Ivana Mladenović


Diplomirala filmsku režiju na Nacionalnom sveučilištu za kazalište i film (UNATC) u Bukureštu. Njezini kratkometražni filmovi obišli su festivale diljem svijeta, a dokumentarni Ugasi svjetla (2012.) premijeru je imao na Tribeci te je osvojio i Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film. Dugometražni igrani prvijenac Vojnici. Priča iz Ferentarija (2017.) nagrađen je Posebnim priznanjem u San Sebastiánu.


Films by this director

Ivana the Terrible

(Ivana cea Groaznică, Romania, Serbia, 2019)

Directed by: Ivana Mladenović
PHOTOGRAPHY: Carmen Tofeni

A comedy about a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown in which the director Ivana Mladenović plays the role of herself. This bittersweet fictional autobiography traces the intimate neuroses of an individual, family and the wider community. The film was inspired by real-life events and features appearances by the director’s friends and family. The film centres on Ivana, a Serbian actress living in Romania who, in the midst of a psychological crisis decides to spend the summer in her ho...

color, 89'
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