
From 05.06. To 12.06.2020.

Portreti: Vizualne simfonije Friedricha Wilhelma Murnaua

Portreti: Vizualne simfonije Friedricha Wilhelma Murnaua

Od 5. do 12. lipnja prikazujemo retrospektivu jednog od najnadarenijih njemačkih sineasta nijemoga razdoblja, Friedricha Wilhelma Murnaua. Njegove filmove, nastale često u suradnji sa čuvenim scenaristom Carlom Mayerom i snimateljem Karlom Freundom, odlikuje vrsno spajanje tendencija ekspresionizma i kammerspielfilma, realističkog i artificijelnog, intelektualnog i poetskog, iznimna vizualna ljepota kadra, izvanredna primjena pokretne kamere, subjektivnih vizura i dubinske mizanscene. Kao autor iznimnoga talenta i jedan od začetnika psihološkog filma, utjecaj njegove poetike može se naći u djelima W. Herzoga, E. Rohmera i S. Kubricka.

Uoči projekcije filma Nosferatu (1922) u petak 5. lipnja u 20 sati,  uvodnu riječ o Murnauovom stvaralaštvu održat će prof. dr. sc. Nikica Gilić, filmolog.

Svi filmovi imaju hrvatske podnaslove. 
Cijena ulaznice 20 kuna, za članove 10 kuna.

Films in cycle


(Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens, Germany, 1922)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
PHOTOGRAPHY: Fritz Arno Wagner

This is the first film version of Dracula, brilliantly creepy and full of imaginative expressions never achieved by any director of similar themes. The role of Nosferatu was played by Max Schreck and he became the most ominous (and the ugliest) vampire in film history. It is an interesting fact that this film is not an official adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, but rather its direct plagiarism. Stoker’s widow unsuccessfully demanded from the court to ban and destroy this film. But...

b/w, silent, 94'
Friday 05.06.2020 AT 20:00


(Germany, 1922)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
PHOTOGRAPHY: Axel Graatkjær, Theophan Ouchakoff

Skromni Lorenz Lubota službenik je u ne osobito važnom vladinu uredu, ujedno i ambiciozni pjesnik te povučeni knjiški tip koji živi uz svoju brižnu majku udovicu, nezadovoljnu sestru Melanie koja se često sukobljava s majkom te mlađeg brata Huga, studenta umjetnosti. Pjesme koje piše Lorenz daje na čitanje starom Starkeu, knjigovescu koji ih daje na uvid profesoru koji ima dobre veze s izdavačima, zbog čega se Lorenz nada da bi mu pjesme mogle biti i objavljene. No on ne zna da je...

b/w, silent, 125'
Saturday 06.06.2020 AT 20:00

The Last Laugh

(Der Letzte Mann, Germany, 1924)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau

The old porter of the Atlantis hotel is proud of his job and he does it well, perhaps even too well. One day he has to carry a huge suitcase because the bellboy is not around. For a moment he sits down and rests. But the young hotel manager sees him and writes him up. So, the porter loses his job and is degraded to work in the hotel’s toilets. He tries to hide his sadness and it seems only a miracle could help him…

b/w, silent, 90'
Sunday 07.06.2020 AT 20:00


(Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage, Germany, 1926)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
PHOTOGRAPHY: Carl Hoffmann

Faust is a luxurious German production that ensured Murnau a contract with the Hollywood studio Fox. Mefisto, brilliantly portrayed by Emil Jannings, offers to the old Faust an opportunity to be young again, for the price of his soul. This is a highly stylized film, which was disturbingly realistic at the time of its creation.

b/w, silent, 107'
Monday 08.06.2020 AT 20:00

Tabu: A Story of the South Seas

(USA, 1931)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau

On an island in the Bora Bora lagoon, a young fisherman is in love with a girl. But the girl is chosen by her tribe to be sacrificed to their God. So, she becomes a taboo for all men – she is not allowed to marry and have a life like other girls on the island. The tribal holy man takes the girl into the forest, and the fisherman jumps into the ocean and swims after them…The film Taboo is almost a documentary account of life on an island in Polynesia. Its purpose was to encourage the...

b/w, 86'
Tuesday 09.06.2020 AT 19:00

City Girl

(USA, 1930)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ernest Palmer

Na samom početku 30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, u vrijeme velike gospodarske krize koja trese Ameriku, mladi Lem Tustine od svog oca J.L.-a dobije zadatak da otputuje u grad i proda usjev pšenice s njihove obiteljske farme. Ondje mladić upozna Kate, privlačnu konobaricu koja je umorna od neprestane užurbanosti gradskog života i koja mašta o životu na selu. A kad na tržnici odluči prodati pšenicu, Lem će biti prisiljen to učiniti po cijeni znatno nižoj od one koju mu j...

b/w, 90'
Wednesday 10.06.2020 AT 20:00


(Herr Tartüff, Germany, 1925)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau

Adaptation of Molier’s theatre play which has, for years, been on the black list of the Catholic church. It is a satire about religious hypocrisy and a parasite. The action takes place in Prussia in the time of Friedrich II. This Murnau film achieved great success. It premiered in Berlin in January 1926. Emil Jannings, the leading actor, personally wanted to play Tartüff because the character has tragic and comic strength of demonic power.

b/w, silent, 70'
Thursday 11.06.2020 AT 20:00

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans

(USA, 1927)

Directed by: Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau
PHOTOGRAPHY: Charles Rosher, Karl Struss

Nakon što atraktivna Gradska žena stigne u seosku zajednicu u kojoj ljudi iz grada ponekad provode vikende, s njom će vezu ubrzo započeti mladi Muškarac, oženjeni farmer. Riječ je o sofisticiranoj ženi koja bez mnogo truda uspije zavesti mladića, te ga počne nagovarati da se riješi svoje supruge i s njom započne novi život u gradu. Mladić pristane dražesnu, ali izgledom odveć običnu suprugu povesti na put u grad te ju putem utopiti u jezeru, ni ne sluteći da se ništa...

b/w, silent, 94'
Friday 12.06.2020 AT 20:00
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