Abdallah Al-Khatib

Yarmouk, 1989


Director and writer. Abdallah Al-Khatib was born in 1989 in Yarmouk. He studied sociology at the University of Damascus. Before the revolution, he worked for the UN as coordinator of activities and volunteers. He created the humanitarian aid association Wataad, with several friends, which carried out dozens of projects in several regions of Syria, and in particular in Yarmouk. He participated in several documentary films relating the life of the Yarmouk camp, notably being one of the cameramen of 194. Us Children of the Camp which premiered at Visions du Réel in 2017. The German magazine Peace Green identified him as one of the 2014 “peacemakers». In Sweden, he received the Per Anger Human Rights Award in 2016. Abdallah currently lives in Germany, where he was recently granted refugee status.


Films by this director

Little Palestine (Diary of a Siege)

(Lebanon, Qatar, France, 2021)

Directed by: Abdallah Al-Khatib
PHOTOGRAPHY: Abdallah Al-Khatib

Dokumentarna konkurencija U okrugu Yarmouk (Damask, Sirija) između 1957. i 2018. nalazio se najveći palestinski izbjeglički kamp na svijetu. Kada je izbila Sirijska revolucija režim Bashara Al-Assada vidio je Yarmouk kao utočište pobunjenika i potencijalno žarište otpora te je 2013. pokrenuo njegovu opsadu. Postupnim uskraćivanjem hrane, lijekova i struje Yarmouk je odsječen od ostatka svijeta. Redatelj Abdallah Al-Khatib rođen je u Yarmouku i živio je tamo sve dok ga 2015. nisu i...

color, DCP, 89’
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