Ivan Gergolet



Ivan Gergolet was born in Monfalcone (Gorizia) in 1977. He graduated in Bologna with the thesis on Matteo Garrone’s cinema. His first film was the short documentary Migranti (2002), a story about two Romanian illegal immigrants who enter Italy through a border crossing near Gorizia. It was shown at the Tagliacorto Shortfilm Festivalu in Florence in 2003. Afterwards he worked on the short film Purple News (2003) and as one of the cinematographers for La Callifora Azzura (2004), as well as director of photography for the film Grin. From 2005 he is consultant on short films made in schools. Besides the short film Kad se vatra ugasi, which was part of the competition program at Corto dorico in 2006 (the jury awarded the actress Vilma Braini), he also made the documentary Akropolis in which an old woman remembers her experience of Auschwitz.
In 2007, together with Davide Del Degan and Matteo Cracco he made the short film La collezione di Medea, which won at the cinema marathon 6x60 Makingo in Gorizia.


Films by this director

Quando il fuoco si spegne


Directed by: Ivan Gergolet
PHOTOGRAPHY: Emilio Della Chiesa

Quando il fuoco si spegne is a short feature film that symbolically talks about the ruined intimacy of a woman who survived a concentration camp and her fight against memories that haunt her. The protagonist of this film is Vilma Braini, a professional actress who herself survived horrors of a concentration camp.

14 min
See full programe