Karel Reisz

21.07.1926, Ostrava, Czechoslovakia (now Czech Republic) - 25.11.2002, London, England, UK

Films by this director



Directed by: Karel Reisz

This is the biography of Isadora Duncan, the great dancer from the first half of the 20th century who forever changed the way audiences regarded ballet. Her nude pro-Soviet dance projects, as well as a free attitude towards love and a tendency to live free of conventions, shocked audiences worldwide. In 1969 Vanesssa Redgrave won an award in Cannes as Best Actress for her role as the famous dancer. In 1970 she won the American film critics’ award for the same role. She was nominated for an Os...

35 mm, color, 137 min

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning

(Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, 1960)

Directed by: Karel Reisz
PHOTOGRAPHY: Freddie Francis

Nezadovoljan svakodnevnom životnom rutinom, mladi, buntovni tvornički radnik Arthur Seaton vikende provodi opijajući se i tukući, te ljubakajući s dvjema ženama – Brendom, suprugom kolege s posla, i Doreen, djevojkom koja želi zajednički život i brak. Problemi nastaju kad mu Brenda priopći da s njim čeka dijete. Nastao prema romanu i scenariju Alan Sillitoea, igranofilmski prvijenac Karela Reisza odlikuje snimanje na lokacijama, inzistiranje na dijalektizmima i dokumentarizam karakteristi...

b/w, 89'
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