Shûhei Morita



Japanski redatelj i scenarist kratkometražnih anime filmova. Prvi film koji je snimio bio je kratkometražni Otoko Date (2001.), nakon kojeg je režirao, napisao, producirao i montirao zapaženi Kakurenbo (2005.). Za video je snimio također kratkometražni Freedom Project (2006.). Nakon manje zapaženog Koisento (2011.) snima Tsukumo (Possessions, 2012.), kratkometražni film koji je nominiran za Oscara u kategoriji najboljeg kratkometražnog animiranog filma 2014. godine. Sudjelovao je u dugometražnom omnibusu s više autora Short Peace (2013.).


Films by this director

Hide and Seek

(Kakurenbo, 2005.)

Directed by: Shûhei Morita

A seemingly innocent and harmless kids’ game of hide and seek in the ruins of an abandoned town, becomes a real danger. Children who play it all disappear and there are stories that they are kidnapped by demons. Several kids decide to play in that place. Some are dying for an adventure and claim that they are not scared and some, like Hikora who is looking for his sister Sorincha. The children are headed to the ruins and put masks on their faces, which are a part of the game, and soon the uncert...

digital, color, 25 min
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