Billy O´Brien


Redatelj i scenarist. Studirao je na londonskom Royal College of Art, a nakon toga završava filmsku školu. Snima kratkometražne filmove An Incident at Bob's Barber Shop (1994.), The Wind (1998.) i The Tale of the Rat That Wrote (1999) te debitira dugometražnim horor filmom Izolacija (Isolation, 2005.).


Films by this director



Directed by: Billy O´Brien

Dan is the owner of a run-down farm and he is trying to make a living. Trying to make ends meet, he agrees to have his livestock used for medical testing. It is a genetic experiment for increasing fertility carried out by a scientist, John. Dan’s ex-girlfriend, veterinarian Orla, often stops by the farm to oversee the testing. One day a cow gives birth and it becomes clear that the experiment went wrong…

digital, color, 95 min
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