Sebastián Lelio

08.03.1974, Mendoza, Argentina



Čileanski redatelj, scenarist, producent i montažer.


Films by this director


(Chile, Spain, 2013)

Directed by: Sebastián Lelio
PHOTOGRAPHY: Benjamín Echazarreta

Fifty year old Gloria still feels young. She tries to deal with her loneliness and searches for love at parties for singles. After she meets Rodolfo, her fragile happiness comes into danger; Gloria surrenders to passion that could easily be her last and begins a dance on the border of hope and despair. It is a story about a woman who has to collect herself, find new strength and realize that in the final part of her life she could shine more than ever before. The film won more than twenty award...

color, 110'

A Fantastic Woman

(Una Mujer Fantástica, Chile, Germany, Spain, USA, 2017)

Directed by: Sebastián Lelio
PHOTOGRAPHY: Benjamín Echazarreta

Marina Vidal konobarica je i pjevačica u jednom čileanskom noćnom klubu, djevojka koja uživa u skladnoj vezi s razvedenim 57-godišnjakom Orlandom. No usred noći uoči njegova rođendana Orlando se iznenada probudi zbog prsnuća aneurizme, a nakon što pri padu niz stepenice zadobije teške ozljede, Marina ga odvede u bolnicu. Ostavivši ga na skrb liječnicima, koji mu neće uspjeti spasiti život, Marina pokuša neprimjetno napustiti bolnicu, želeći tako izbjeći susret...

color, 104'
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