Neveen Shalaby


Televizijska izvjestiteljica i redateljica, scenaristica i producentica dokumentarnih filmova. Diplomirala je povijest umjetnosti na sveučilištu u Kairu i potom završila režiju na filmskoj akademiji u istom gradu. Snimila je dokumentarni film The Streets Are Ours, o povijesti disidentstva u Egiptu koji ju je doveo do idućeg dokumentarnog filma The Agenda and Me (2001.) u kojem se bavila egipatskom revolucijom. Dvodijelni dokumentarni film The Agenda and Me Tunisia je o revoluciji u Tunisu. Njezini ostali radovi su kratkometražni dokumentarni filmovi Small Fish (2007.), Um Walid (2008.) i kratki igrani filmovi The Chase (2005.) i The Statue (2010.). Režirala je i producirala brojne dokumentarce za razne televizijske kuće.


Films by this director

The Agenda and Me


Directed by: Neveen Shalaby
PHOTOGRAPHY: Neveen Shalaby

This is a documentary about the revolution filmed from the perspective of the director who herself was an active member of the protesters from the very beginning of events. At the time of the revolution, in the media there appeared the idea that foreign interests and intentions were in fact behind the protests, so the director did her own research and interviewed different people: from the educated middle class who were hoping for a better future, older generations who showed their suffering and...

digital,color, 47 min
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