Matan Yair

09.05.1977, Jerusalem, Israel



Redatelj, scenarist i učitelj. Snimio je dokumentarni film Katuv Lecha Bateudat Zehut She'any Aba Shelcha (2008.) i kratki Winter Clothes (2011.). Nakon devet godina koje je proveo predavajući književnost u srednjoj školi, inspiriran radom i jednim učenikom, napisao je scenarij i snimio prvi dugometražni igrani film Skele (Scaffolding, 2017.). Glavnu ulogu u filmu odigrao je učenik koji ga je inspirirao za film, a dio scena snimljen je u učenikovu obiteljskom domu kako bi mu poznato okruženje olakšalo rad, a smanjili su se i troškovi produkcije. Matan Yairi i dalje radi kao učitelj, ali priprema scenarij za novi film.


Films by this director


(Pigumim, Israel, 2017)

Directed by: Matan Yair
PHOTOGRAPHY: Bartosz Bieniek

17-year-old Asher has always been the wild troublemaker, from grade school, all through junior high and high school. It’s hard for him to concentrate in class, and he is compelled by a lot of rage and violence; yet he is also endowed with a considerable amount of charm and street-wise. While his oppressive father sees him as a natural successor to the family’s scaffolding business, Asher finds a different masculine role model in Rami, his new literature teacher.

color, digital, 90 min
See full programe