A Fight For

Boj za, documentary, Slovenia, 2014

DIRECTED BY: Siniša Gačić

A Fight For

Siniša Gačić,
Jan Perovšek,
Jakob Weidner,
Maksimilijan Sušnik,
Ayelen Magnin


A month after the wave of protests that followed the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, Slovenian activists occupied a square in front of the Ljubljana stock exchange and set up tents. They are united in their criticism of the political situation and global financial capitalism under the motto Nobody represents us and their organization is based on the principles of direct democracy. In alck of social alternatives, there emerges a new society in front of the stock exchange – a society in which all are equal and united in their differences. After the initial euphoria the idea of direct democracy weakens before the idea of the modern individual and similar antagonisms occur to those present in the society that the activists are fighting against.

color, digital, 60 min
