An Actor's Revenge

Yukinojô henge, feature film, 1963.

DIRECTED BY: Kon Ichikawa

An Actor's Revenge

Kazuo Hasegawa (Yukinojo Nakamura / lopov Yamitaro),
Fujiko Yamamoto (Ohatsu),
Ayako Wakao (Namiji),
Eiji Funakoshi (Heima Kadokura),
Narutoshi Hayashi (Mukuzu)

Daisuke Itô,
Teinosuke Kinugasa,
Natto Wada (prema priči Otokichija Mikamija)

Setsuo Kobayashi

Taking place in the first half of the 19th century, the film talks about the actor Yukinojo Nakamura. He is an onnagata, a specially trained actor who plays roles of women in kabuki. During a play he sees people responsible for the death of his parents in the audience. Twenty years earlier, when Nakamura was still a child, his parents were dishonored and forced to commit suicide. Now grown-up and determined, Nakamura plans his revenge...

35 mm, color, 113 min