The Tiger Likes Fresh Blood

Le tigre aime la chair fraiche, feature film, 1964

DIRECTED BY: Claude Chabrol

The Tiger Likes Fresh Blood

Roger Hanin (Louis Rapičre,
Maria Mauban (gđa. Baskine),
Daniela Bianchi (Mehlica Baskine),
Roger Dumas (Duvet),
Mario David (Dobronsky)

Claude Chabrol; Jean Halain (prema priči Rogera Hanina)

Jean Rabier

In this spy action film, Roger Hanin plays a secret agent whose code name is Tiger. His mission is to stop a secret organization to hinder the Turkish-French agreement on sale of forty military planes. Daniela Bianchi plays the daughter of a Turkish diplomat who takes part in negotiations.

b/w, 90 min