Estômago: A Gastronomic Story

Estômago, feature film, 2007

DIRECTED BY: Marcos Jorge

Estômago: A Gastronomic Story

Joăo Miguel (Nonato),
Fabiula Nascimento (Íria),
Babu Santana (Bujiú),
Carlo Briani (Giovanni),
Zeca Cenovicz (Zulmiro)

Cláudia da Natividade,
Fabrizio Donvito,
Marcos Jorge,
Lusa Silvestre

Toca Seabra

Nonato is a prisoner respected by all other inmates because of his great talent for cooking. The story flashes back to the past and we learn how Nonato was forced to wash the dishes in a restaurant because he had no money to pay for dinner. He continues to work there and his culinary talent soon makes him popular.

digital, color, 112 min