We Want the Colonels

Vogliamo i colonnelli, feature film, 1973

DIRECTED BY: Mario Monicelli

We Want the Colonels

Ugo Tognazzi (Giuseppe Tritoni),
Camillo Milli (pukovnik Elpidio),
Carla Tatň (Marcella Bassi),
Pino Zac (Armando Caffč),
Antonino Faa Di Bruno (pukovnik Ribaud)

Agenore Incrocci,
Mario Monicelli,
Furio Scarpelli

Alberto Spagnoli

This is an Italian political satire that deals with a fictive attempt at conquering Italy by a radical army. The main character is Giuseppe Tritoni who enjoys support of both police and the army. There is another evil group that awaits these events and tries to start a coup.

color, 102 min