feature film, Viba film, Ljubljana, 1958
DIRECTED BY: Krešo Golik / Andrej Hieng

Lojze Potokar,
Jure Doležal (Andrej),
Helena Kordaš (Ana),
Stevo Žigon,
Slavko Švajger Krel)
Ivan Ribič (based on his novel by same name)
Janez Kališnik
Before WW II, a German shepherd Kala belongs to the young Andrej and bravely fights off the wolves which attack the village. Yugoslav army surrenders and Germans occupy the country. Andrej's father who puts up a fight to the oppressors gets killed and Andrej and other villagers are taken to a camp. Kala is taken by a German officer who trains her to become a ruthless killer, but instead she escapes and returns to her village. There she finds a burnt house and no people...
b/w, 35mm standard, 81 min