Not by Chance

Não por acaso, drama, 2007.

DIRECTED BY: Philippe Barcinski

Not by Chance

Rodrigo Santoro (Pedro),
Leonardo Medeiros (Ênio),
Letícia Sabatella (Lúcia),
Branca Messina (Teresa),
Rita Batata (Bia)

Fabiana Werneck Barcinski,
Philippe Barcinski,
Eugenio Puppo

Pedro Farkas

The lives of two men from São Paulo, who don't know each other, will be joined and forever branded by a tragic event. Privately similar, Pedro and Ênio like the feeling of control over their lives. It will be taken away from them when their loved ones die in a traffic accident. Pedro suddenly loses his wife, and Ênio his ex-wife. They will both have to confront their losses in order to let new people into their lives.

color, digital, 100 min
