The Man Next Door
El hombre de al lado, feature film, Argentina, 2009
DIRECTED BY: Mariano Cohn

Rafael Spregelburd (Leonardo),
Daniel Aráoz (Victor),
Eugenia Alonso,
Inés Budassi,
Lorenza Acuña
Andrés Duprat
Mariano Cohn,
Gastón Duprat
The film was made in La Plata, Argentina, in the house Curutchet, which is the only residential house designed by the famous architect Le Corbusier in South America. In addition to two main characters, the plot is driven by a simple window. Victor is a used car salesman who one day wishes he had more sun in his living space and decides to make a hole in the wall which just happens to look directly into the living room of the rich designer Leonard.
The film received a lot of awards, including the one at the Sundance Festival.
color, digital, 110 min