Mobile & The Return

Mobile (Truls Krane Meby), 10'

Walid is a young Syrian refugee who lives by himself at a refugee centre in Northern Norway. One day he gets a desperate call from his mother and brother. They are fleeing through Europe, hoping to reunite with Walid. But they are stuck near the Hungarian border with smugglers who are demanding more money. Surrounded by a beautiful landscape and with only a cell phone, he tries to help them. 

The Return (Malene Choi), 85'

Two Danish-Korean adoptees return for the first time to the country where they were born. Intrigued by the spirit of their motherland and confronted with the personal stories of the fellow adoptees they meet in Seoul, Karoline and Thomas are hurled into an emotionally disorienting journey that forces them both to question their own destiny and identity. Operating in a hybrid field, The Return is partially based on director Malene Choi's personal experience and on stories shared by adoptees that Malene encountered in Seoul while shooting the film.

Entrance to all festival programs is free.
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