
From 12.04. To 14.04.2021.

Portreti: Gorke satire Luisa Garcíe Berlange

Portreti: Gorke satire Luisa Garcíe Berlange

Povodom 100. obljetnice rođenja španjolskog redatelja i scenarista Luisa Garcíe Berlange, od 12. do 14. travnja u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom kraljevine Španjolske u RH prikazujemo pet značajnih filmova realiziranih u razdoblju od 1953.-1963., u kojima je proslavljeni autor na satiričan način prikazao tadašnje španjolsko društvo.

Filmovi Calabuch i Dobrodošli, Mr. Marshall nude inteligentan, subverzivan i ironičan prikaz Španjolske tijekom 1950-ih, Svakog četvrtka čudo postao je meta cenzora jer se autor dotakao katoličanstva u Španjolskoj pod Francovom diktaturom, dok se Plácido i Krvnik na metaforički način bave besmislom u španjolskom društvu pod Francovom čizmom.

Svi filmovi imaju hrvatske podnaslove. 
Cijena ulaznice 25 kuna. 

Program je realiziran u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom Kraljevine Španjolske u Republici Hrvatskoj. 

Films in cycle

The Executioner

(El verdugo, Spain, Italy, 1963)

Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Tonino Delli Colli

Executioner Amadeo is about to retire. Since his profession is so peculiar he is worried about his replacement. His daughter Carmen has a different problem: as soon as men realize what her father does, they run away from her. A possible solution for both of them is José, an attractive young man who works as an undertaker.

b/w, 90'
Monday 12.04.2021 AT 19:00

Welcome Mr. Marshall

(Bienvenido, Míster Marshall, Spain, 1953)

Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Berenguer

An American delegation is about to visit the small Spanish village of Villar del Río in order to donate some financial aid. At first the villagers and their deaf mayor have no idea how to prepare for these guests but soon they begin to make big plans for a welcome party. It is then that all of the prejudices of Spanish people towards Americans and vice versa come to light.

b/w, 78'
Tuesday 13.04.2021 AT 19:00


(Šanjolska, Italy, 1956)

Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Francisco Sempere

A famous atomic physicist escapes from the world of science and finds peace in a small coastal town in Spain. In a new community where nobody knows him, he begins an anonymous life as a bum and soon ends up in jail. Luckily, in such a small picturesque town nobody thinks too much about the jail and the prisoners get to leave the jail whenever they need to.

b/w, 93'
Tuesday 13.04.2021 AT 21:00


(Spain, Italy, 1961)

Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Francisco Sempere

The hero of this film is Plácido, a poor truck driver who tries to pay off the loan for his truck in time so it does not get repossessed. Even though he is unlucky and always broke, after taking part in a Christmastime humanitarian action his opinion of his problems changes.

b/w, 85'
Wednesday 14.04.2021 AT 19:00

Los jueves, milagro

(Spain, Italy, 1957)

Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Francisco Sempere

Zahvaljujući ljekovitoj vodi, staro lječilište u zabitom španjolskom planinskom gradiću Fonticelli nekad je bilo prilično popularno. No s vremenom se broj gostiju smanjivao i lječilište je potonulo u zaborav, što će njegova starog vlasnika Don Ramóna tijekom druge polovine 50-ih godina prošlog stoljeća naposljetku prisiliti na drastičnu promjenu poslovanja. Nezadovoljan time što mu dolazi sve siromašnija i nimalo aristokratska klijentela, D...

b/w, 84'
Wednesday 14.04.2021 AT 21:00
See full programe