The National Shotgun

La escopeta nacional, feature film, 1977

DIRECTED BY: Luis García Berlanga

The National Shotgun

Rafael Alonso (Cerrillo),
Luis Escobar (Marqués de Leguineche),
Antonio Ferrandis (Álvaro),
Agustín González (Padre Calvo),
Andrés Mejuto (De Prada),
José Sazatornil (Jaume Canivell)

Rafael Azcona,
Luis García Berlanga

Carlos Suárez

A businessman from Catalonia decides to organize a weekend hunting party during which he hopes to attract investors for his new project. Since he does not have an estate where the hunt can take place he decides to rent the estate of an impoverished nobleman. On the weekend a group of elite aristocrats, members of the government and even dictators in exile and mighty priests arrive to the estate…

digital, color, 95 min