The Last Elvis

El último Elvis, feature film, Argentina 2012.


The Last Elvis

John McInerny (Elvis / Carlos Gutiérrez),
Griselda Siciliani (Alejandra Olemberg),
Margarita Lopez (Lisa Marie Gutiérrez),
Lucrecia Carrillo (prostitutka),
Rocío Rodríguez Presedo (Nina Hagen)

Armando Bo,
Nicolás Giacobone

Javier Julia

Carlos Gutierrez (Elvis) is a divorced singer. He has a young daughter Lisa Marie, whom he hardly ever sees. He has always lived pretending to be the reincarnation of Elvis Presley, denying his own self and reality. But now he is at the age when Elvis died, and his future appears empty. An unexpected situation will make Carlos have to take care of her daughter. This will enable him to find himself as a father, and enable Lisa to accept him as he is. But the destiny faces Carlos with a tough decision. On the path of music and madness, he will have to choose between a dream of being Elvis and his family.

color, digital, 91 min