From 03.11. To 18.11.2014.

Program of Ibero-American films VI
Films in cycle
Posthumous Memoirs
(Memórias póstumas, Brazil, 2001)
Directed by: André Klotzel
A loose adaptation of the Brazilian literary classic by Machado de Assis. It is a story about Brás Cubas, a wealthy man, who posthumously and thus honestly talks about his life. He lived in the nineteenth century, and to shorten the eternity after his death, he decided to recount the most important events in his life. He remembers his friend Quincas Borba, all his loves, academic education and the privilege of never having to work.
color, digital, 101 min
Tuesday 04.11.2014 AT 19:00
Monday 03.11.2014 AT 19:00
Love Once Again
(Mais Uma Vez Amor, Brazil, 2005)
Directed by: Rosane Svartman
PHOTOGRAPHY: Renato Padovani
One pleasant morning in 1972, seventeen-year-old Rodrigo and Lia meet. Although totally opposite in character, they are attracted to each other. After the first sexual encounter on April 24th, they decide to meet again on the same date a year later. As they grow older, we follow the awkward, but responsible Rodrigo and the open-minded, impulsive and irresponsible Liu. They find partners and have children, but life brings them together again...
color, digital, 96 min
Wednesday 05.11.2014 AT 19:00
Tuesday 04.11.2014 AT 21:00
The Last Elvis
(El último Elvis, Argentina 2012.)
Directed by: Armando Bo
Carlos Gutierrez (Elvis) is a divorced singer. He has a young daughter Lisa Marie, whom he hardly ever sees. He has always lived pretending to be the reincarnation of Elvis Presley, denying his own self and reality. But now he is at the age when Elvis died, and his future appears empty. An unexpected situation will make Carlos have to take care of her daughter. This will enable him to find himself as a father, and enable Lisa to accept him as he is. But the destiny faces Carlos with a tough deci...
color, digital, 91 min
Thursday 06.11.2014 AT 19:00
Wednesday 05.11.2014 AT 21:00
Glorious Accidents
(Accidentes gloriosos, Argentina, 2011)
Directed by: Mauro Andrizzi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Emiliano Cativa
The topic of this film are magnificent accidents, coincidences which like the touch of fate bring individuals to vital life-turning points that transform them. Nine different stories are united by a female narrator. Argentine photographer is convinced that traffic accidents constitute a perfect example of instant art. A man discovers new artistic tendencies after heart transplantation. A woman receives a love letter from her husband, written just before he froze to death...
color, digital, 58 min
Friday 07.11.2014 AT 19:00
Thursday 06.11.2014 AT 21:00
The Life of Fish
(La vida de los peces, 2010)
Directed by: Matías Bize
PHOTOGRAPHY: Bárbara Álvarez
After ten years of being away from home, Andrés is reunited with friends at a house party in Santiago, Chile. While most of them are married and have children, he is still single and lives in Berlin working as a travel writer. Chatting to them, he learns about everything he had missed and recalls his past life. At the same time he is trying to avoid his ex-girlfriend Beatriz...
color, digital, 84 min
Saturday 08.11.2014 AT 19:00
Friday 07.11.2014 AT 21:00
A Cab for Three
(Taxi para tres, 2001)
Directed by: Orlando Lübbert
PHOTOGRAPHY: Patricio Riquelme
Ulises' cab breaks down in a suspicious and dangerous part of town. Two petty criminals, Coto and Chavela, attack him and give him an ultimatum: either to drive them or they will lock him in the trunk of the car. Having no choice, he agrees to be their driver while they carry out their illegal activities. At the end of it, satisfied with his work, they offer him some of the "earned" money. Barely making ends meet and finding it difficult to support his family, Ulises is tempted...
color, digital, 90 min
Sunday 09.11.2014 AT 19:00
Saturday 08.11.2014 AT 21:00
(Portugal, 2010)
Directed by: António Ferreira
PHOTOGRAPHY: Paulo Castilho, António Ferreira
Embargo is a film from 2010, based on the story by the Portuguese writer Jose Saramago. Nuno works as a hot dog vendor, while working on the invention of a scanner that could forever change the shoe industry. At a time when the country is under a gasoline embargo, Nuno finds himself in a strange situation: he remains trapped in his car and suddenly his whole life seems embargoed.
color, digital, 80 min
Monday 10.11.2014 AT 19:00
Sunday 09.11.2014 AT 21:00
Hope is a Strange Place
(A esperança está onde menos se espera, Portugal, 2009)
Directed by: Joaquim Leitão
PHOTOGRAPHY: Tony Costa, José António Loureiro
Father and son Francisco and Lourenço are doing very well in life. The father, a football referee, is facing a promising career as his team reach the finals of the Portuguese Football Cup, and the young man is one of the best students in a prestigious private high school. But, truth and honesty will cost Francisco his job, and the inability to find a new one will force Lourenço to transfer to a public high school.
color, digital, 122 min
Tuesday 11.11.2014 AT 19:00
Monday 10.11.2014 AT 21:00
(Japón, 2002)
Directed by: Carlos Reygadas
PHOTOGRAPHY: Diego Martínez Vignatti, Thierry Tronchet
Experiencing an existential crisis, an unidentified middle-aged man is travelling the Mexican countryside in a seemingly final journey. Unmotivated and tired of life, he is planning to commit suicide, but he wants to do it in a canyon. To prepare for death, he finds temporary accommodation with an older widow, an Indian Ascen. Nature around him, and getting to know the quiet, but benevolent and humane Ascen restore his lust for life.
color, digital, 130 min
Wednesday 12.11.2014 AT 19:00
Tuesday 11.11.2014 AT 21:00
Carmina or Blow up
(Carmina o revienta, 2012)
Directed by: Paco León
PHOTOGRAPHY: Juan González Guerrero, Juan González Rebollo
The actor Paco León's directorial debut was inspired by his mother whom he gave a major role in the film. Carmina Barrios plays a fifty-eight-year-old who earns a living by trading in Seville. After being robbed several times, and her insurance company does not help, she devises a plan to recover the lost money. While waiting for her plan to unfold, she is reminiscing about her life, work and family.
color, digital, 70 min
Thursday 13.11.2014 AT 19:00
Wednesday 12.11.2014 AT 21:00
(El pescador, 2011.)
Directed by: Sebastián Cordero
PHOTOGRAPHY: Daniel Andrade
U malom ribarskom selu bez mnogo šansi za napredak, sa svojom majkom živi tridesetogodišnji Blanquito. Njegov biološki otac je utjecajni političar u susjednom gradu. Blanquitova majka zarađuje kuhanjem za ljude iz sela, a on pomaže ribarskim brodovima pri odlasku na more. Nesvakidašnja prilika ukaže se kad zajedno s ostalim ribarima u moru pronađe paketiće kokaina. Policija želi da se njima preda sadržaj, dileri nude novac za otkup, a Blanquito ima na umu bolji način zarade...