Glorious Accidents
Accidentes gloriosos, feature film, Argentina, 2011
DIRECTED BY: Mauro Andrizzi / Marcus Lindeen

Cristina Banegas (pripovjedačica),
Ignacio Catoggio,
Lorena Damonte,
Sofía Del Tuffo,
Pablo Finvarb
Mauro Andrizzi,
Marcus Lindeen
Emiliano Cativa
The topic of this film are magnificent accidents, coincidences which like the touch of fate bring individuals to vital life-turning points that transform them. Nine different stories are united by a female narrator. Argentine photographer is convinced that traffic accidents constitute a perfect example of instant art. A man discovers new artistic tendencies after heart transplantation. A woman receives a love letter from her husband, written just before he froze to death...
color, digital, 58 min