From 22.02. To 17.04.2010.
Program of new Swedish film
Tuesday, 23.02.2010
19:00 InvoluntaryDe ofrivilliga, 2008
21:00 When Darkness FallsNär mörkret faller, 2006
Wednesday, 24.02.2010
19:00 When Darkness FallsNär mörkret faller, 2006
21:00 Sandor slash Ida2005
Friday, 26.02.2010
19:00 The King of Ping PongPing-pongkingen, 2008
21:00 Wings of GlassVingar av glas, 2000
Saturday, 27.02.2010
19:00 Wings of GlassVingar av glas, 2000
21:00 You, the LivingDu levande, Sweden, 2007
Monday, 01.03.2010
19:00 You, the LivingDu levande, Sweden, 2007
21:00 The Ketchup EffectHip Hip Hora!, 2004