From 08.05. To 31.05.2023.

17. Vox Feminae Festival
Entrance to this programme is free.
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Films in cycle
Feminism WTF
(Austria, 2023)
Directed by: Katharina Mückstein
PHOTOGRAPHY: Michael Schindegger
Even though feminism is considered the most successful social movement of the 20th century, to date there have been no documentaries that deal with its status quo. So here it comes: Feminism WTF! The achievements of the women’s* movement influence our lives every day. But still, when I say “feminism,” we might not mean the same thing. This film reflects on current debates and analyzes the potential of intersectional feminism to profoundly change our future societies.
color, 96′
Monday 08.05.2023 AT 19:00
Ruthless Times: Songs of Care
(Armotonta menoa - hoivatyön lauluja, Finland, 2022)
Directed by: Susanna Helke
PHOTOGRAPHY: Sari Aaltonen
Documentary segments are combined with choral tableau vivant scenes, capturing the current crisis in the Finnish elderly care sector. With its dark humor, and at times grim but poignant moments, the film portrays the unravelling of the ethos behind caring for the elderly citizens of a Nordic welfare society, illuminating the mismatch between the ethical and economical foundations of care work. The care-workers’ anonymous testimonies are composed into choral songs, depicting everyday exper...
color, 92′
Wednesday 10.05.2023 AT 19:00
Ultraviolette and the Blood-Spitters Gang
(Ultraviolette et le gang des cracheuses de sang, France, 2021)
Directed by: Robin Hunzinger
After the death of his grandmother Emma, Robin Hunzinger and his mother Claudie found a carefully preserved collection of letters which Emma received from a girl called Marcelle. Marcelle and Emma met in the mid-1920s. Secretly, love blossomed between the two teenage girls, but after two years they parted ways. Marcelle developed tuberculosis and was admitted to a sanatorium, where she wrote many letters to Emma, letters that still burn with great evocative power. At the sanatorium, rebellious M...
b/w and color, 74′
Monday 22.05.2023 AT 19:00
No Ordinary Life
(USA, 2021)
Directed by: Heather O’Neill
In a field dominated by men, five pioneering camerawomen – Mary Rogers, Cynde Strand, Jane Evans, Maria Fleet and Margaret Moth – went to the frontlines of wars, revolutions and disasters to bring us the truth. As colorful as accomplished, these brave photojournalists made their mark by capturing some of the most iconic images from Tiananmen Square, to conflicts in Sarajevo, Iraq, Somalia and the Arab Spring uprising. But the world doesn’t know it was these women be...
color, 78′
Thursday 25.05.2023 AT 19:00
(Sweden, Spain, 2021)
Directed by: Maja Borg
PHOTOGRAPHY: María González Otero, Patriez van der Wens
Passion is an intensely personal film about longing, healing, and belonging where filmmaker Maja Borg illustrates their unique process of dealing with trauma in the wake of a destructive relationship. In seeking to reclaim intimacy and re-establish boundaries Borg is drawn to queer BDSM practice, through which they’re able to explore their long-forgotten Christian heritage. Adopting rituals and play from both queer BDSM and Christian communities, Borg finds themselves able to acknowledge a...
b/w and color, 92′
Monday 29.05.2023 AT 19:00
Orlando, My Political Biography
(Orlando, ma biographie politique, France, 2023)
Directed by: Paul B. Preciado
Gotovo stoljeće nakon što je Virginia Woolf objavila svoj roman Orlando: životopis, filozof i trans aktivist Paul B. Preciado piše joj pismo u kojem joj poručuje da je njezin lik postao stvaran. Preciado postavlja pitanje: “Tko su suvremeni Orlando?” 25 transrodnih i nebinarnih osoba različitih dobi utjelovljuje slavni Woolfin lik, istovremeno pričajući priče o vlastitim životima. Osobne priče su pak ispresjecane arhivskim materijalima koji prizivaju stvarne povijesne...