From 29.05.2006. To 10.03.2016.

Program of films by Petar Krelja
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Films in cycle
Southbound Train
Directed by: Petar Krelja
PHOTOGRAPHY: Goran Trbuljak
Marina, Branko Ban, and their small son rent an apartment in a skyscraper in Zapruđe. One day, when Branko is at work, a water pipe breaks and all the inhabitants of the building are endangered. They soon realize that nobody is responsible for their building and that the damage will not be easily repaired. However, this tribulation brings them closer together….
color, 35 mm, 97 min
Thursday 10.03.2016 AT 21:00
Wednesday 09.03.2016 AT 19:00
Saturday 17.05.2014 AT 21:00
Wednesday 31.05.2006 AT 19:00
Monday 29.05.2006 AT 21:00
(Yugoslavia, Urania film, Avala film, 1990)
Directed by: Petar Krelja
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ivica Rajković
Social workers in Zagreb decide to send their protégé, the problematic twenty-year-old Stela, to a home for problematic social cases on the island Cres. On the way to Cres, a young social worker who accompanies Stela realizes that she is, in fact, a very sensitive girl, and is merely a victim of unresolved family conflicts. He decides to help her and disobey the rules. Along the way Stela’s attractiveness and sensitivity make him fall in love with her…