From 13.05. To 18.05.2013.

Retrospective: Krzysztof Zanussi
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Films in cycle
A Year of the Quiet Sun
(Rok spokojnego slońca, Poland/USA/Zapadna Njema, 1984)
Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Slawomir Idziak
American soldier Norman and Polish widow Emilia meet in Poland after the end of World War II. Although coming from two completely different worlds, struggling with the language barrier and recovering from the horrors of war, they become friends. While Norman is waiting to go back to the USA, they fall in love and plan to leave together. But Emilia is tied to Poland because she is caring for her ill mother... The director was awarded Golden Lion for this film in Venice in 1984.
color, digital, 107 min
Tuesday 14.05.2013 AT 21:00
Monday 13.05.2013 AT 19:00
A Woman's Decision
(Bilans kwartalny, Poland, 1974)
Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Slawomir Idziak
Middle-aged Marta is a wife and a working mother with a son. She works as an accountant and is a union member. A discovery of embezzlement at work snaps her out of a boring life routine. Standing up for her colleagues, she starts questioning her life. Living with her son who is growing up, and relationship with her husband getting worse, Marta realises she wants more out of life. After meeting a friend from her past, she meets a man who could be that new beginning... The film has received three...
color, digital, 98 min
Wednesday 15.05.2013 AT 21:00
Tuesday 14.05.2013 AT 19:00
The Silent Touch
(Dotkniecie reki, Great Britain/Denmark/Poland, 1992)
Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jaroslaw Zamojda
Max von Sydow plays Henry Kesdi, a brilliant seventy-year-old composer who hasn't written anything in forty years. Being Jewish, he has survived the Holocaust and now lives with his wife in Denmark. Following his own dreams, a young Polish music student Stefan visits him. He is determined to motivate Henry to work again. Old, sick, and an aggressive alcoholic, Henry immediately sends him away. Stefan slowly wins him over, but people around them will pay the price of art... Max von Sydow was awa...
color, digital, 96 min
Thursday 16.05.2013 AT 21:00
Wednesday 15.05.2013 AT 19:00
Life as a Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease
(Zycie jako smiertelna choroba przenoszona droga plciowa, Poland / France, 2000)
Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Edward Klosinski
PLife, death, and the nature of human existence become a deeply personal issue to a doctor once he is faced with his own approaching death. Tomasz Berg is a Polish doctor working in France on a film about St Bernard. When he returns to his homeland, he is diagnosed with cancer and his only option is an expensive operation in Paris. He visits his ex wife Anna to ask her for the money and sets off. In Paris he is informed that the illness has progressed... The film has won thirteen prestigious aw...
color, digital, 99 min
Friday 17.05.2013 AT 21:00
Thursday 16.05.2013 AT 19:00
(Barwy ochronne, Poland, 1976)
Directed by: Krzysztof Zanussi
PHOTOGRAPHY: Edward Klosinski
During a summer university seminar about linguistics, tensions rise between two professors because of politics and clash of characters. Young and well meaning, liberal idealist Jaroslaw is in charge of the seminar, supervised by older and cynical Jakub who is aware of the world he lives in. When Jaroslaw decides to take on a student whose views oppose the official politics, he clashes with Jakub for the first time. Things get worse as the thesis assessment and award ceremony day approaches. The...