From 28.01. To 30.01.2020.

Kinoteka: Hrvatski film ceste
This program has English subtitles, except the film Stela (1990).
Entrance to this program is free.
Films in cycle
(Yugoslavia, Jadran film, 1958 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))
Directed by: Nikola Tanhofer
This is an action drama/catastrophe film that tells the story of different people who travel on a bus and a truck driver. The bus and the truck will collide in a rainy night and only a few passengers will survive. H8, part of the license plate, is all that is known about the vehicle that caused this accident… According to many, this is the best film by Nikola Tanhofer. It won two Golden Arenas – for the best film and director – and the audience award Jelen at the Pula film festival.
b/w, 106'
Tuesday 28.01.2020 AT 19:00
(Yugoslavia, Urania film, Avala film, 1990)
Directed by: Petar Krelja
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ivica Rajković
Social workers in Zagreb decide to send their protégé, the problematic twenty-year-old Stela, to a home for problematic social cases on the island Cres. On the way to Cres, a young social worker who accompanies Stela realizes that she is, in fact, a very sensitive girl, and is merely a victim of unresolved family conflicts. He decides to help her and disobey the rules. Along the way Stela’s attractiveness and sensitivity make him fall in love with her…
color, digital, 91'
Tuesday 28.01.2020 AT 21:00
Kad mrtvi zapjevaju
(Croatia, Jadran film, Croatia radio televizija, 1998)
Directed by: Krsto Papić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Vjekoslav Vrdoljak
At the beginning of the 1990s, two Croatian emigrants - economic Cinco and political Marinko - arrive in Croatia from Germany, longing for their families and hometowns. In order to get a German pension, Cinco pretends to be dead and travels in a coffin. Soon, Marinko joins him because he is running away from an old agent of the Yugoslav Secret police who wants to kill him in order to earn his retirement.
color, 35 mm, 102'
Wednesday 29.01.2020 AT 19:15
Train Without a Timetable
(Yugoslavia, 1959 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: MM-centar (Studentski centar, Savska cesta 25))
Directed by: Veljko Bulajić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Krešo Grčević
In the spring of 1946, huge migrations are organized within Yugoslavia; entire villages move from desolate Dalmatian inlands to the fruitful plains of Slavonia, Baranja, Srijem, and Vojvodina. One of the villages is Dolac, in the Dalmatian hill country, whose inhabitants received some land and houses in the village Topolovo in Baranja. The leader of this mass relocation is the president of the village committee, Lovre, who loves the widow Ike. Lovre’s brothers, Duje and Periša, who...
b/w, 119'
Wednesday 29.01.2020 AT 21:00
Mondo Bobo
(Croatia, DSL film, N.G. Prom-Diesel, Petrač, 1997)
Directed by: Goran Rušinović
Mladić Bobo u samoobrani ubije dvojicu kriminalaca, a onda se po savjetu odvjetnika preda policiji. Potom završi u umobolnici, odakle pobjegne i nađe se s djevojkom. Policija kreće u potjeru, a slučaj prati mlada ambiciozna novinarka...
b/w, 35 mm, 83'
Thursday 30.01.2020 AT 19:00
Sve džaba
(Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2006)
Directed by: Antonio Nuić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Mirsad Herović
Nakon što jedini preživi vatreni obračun svojih najboljih prijatelja, razočarani mladi Goran (Rakan Rushaidat) proda obiteljsko nasljedstvo i kupljenim kombijem krene na put po Bosni. Kad od umornog starog vlasnika Fare (Vanja Drach) otkupi trošni putujući kafić, nazove ga „Sve džaba“ i odluči na postajama svog puta o vlastitom trošku častiti rijetke goste. Putujući Bosnom, ubrzo potroši sav novac te u jednom gradiću upozna privlačnu konobaricu Maju (Nata&...