From 23.02. To 01.03.2018.

Panorama: Španjolski filmski kanon
U petak, 23. veljače u kinu Tuškanac započinje program pod nazivom Panorama: Španjolski filmski kanon, u sklopu kojega će tuškanačka publika imati prilike pogledati izbor od šest antologijskih ostvarenja španjolske kinematografije u rasponu od neorealističkih tendencija razvidnih u djelima dvojice ključnih ličnosti španjolskog filma 1950-ih, Juan Antonio Bardema i Luis García Berlange, preko naslova nastalih u vrijeme tzv. novog španjolskog filma 1960-ih, poput kontroverzne Viridiane (1961) Luisa Buñuela i Život se nastavlja (1965) Fernando Fernán Gómeza, do Zmije u njedrima (1976) Carlosa Saure, realizirane posljednje godine Francova režima.
Ulaznica je 10 kn, za članove Filmskih programa besplatna.
Program je realiziran u suradnji s Veleposlanstvom Kraljevine Španjolske u Republici Hrvatskoj.
Films in cycle
(Spain, Mexico, 1961)
Directed by: Luis Buñuel
This was Buńuel’s first film made in Spain after 25 years of exile. It won the Golden Palm in Cannes in 1961. Viridiana is a young nun who is about to take her vows. Immediately before an older nun in her convent tells Viridiana she should visit her uncle Jorge who had supported her up to then. Since Viridiana looks a lot like Jorge’s late wife, he tries to persuade the young girl to stay with him at his estate…
b/w, 90'
Saturday 24.02.2018 AT 21:00
Friday 23.02.2018 AT 19:00
Raise Ravens
(Cria cuervos, 1976)
Directed by: Carlos Saura
PHOTOGRAPHY: Teodoro Escamilla
After witnessing her father’s death in his lover’s arms, nine-year-old Ana, together with her sisters Irene and Maite, is left alone with her strict but kind aunt Paulina, polite maid Rosa and mute grandma who reminisces the past through old family photos.
color, HD, 107 min
Saturday 24.02.2018 AT 19:00
Friday 23.02.2018 AT 21:00
Death of a Cyclist
(Muerte de un ciclista, Spain, Italy, 1955)
Directed by: Juan Antonio Bardem
PHOTOGRAPHY: Alfredo Fraile
There is an accident on a village road; a car has hit a bicyclist. Instead of helping the bicyclist, the driver and his passenger flee. Hoping to avoid uncomfortable questions and the possibility of their affair being discovered, María José and Juan choose to sacrifice the life of a stranger…
b/w, 88'
Tuesday 27.02.2018 AT 21:00
Monday 26.02.2018 AT 19:00
Welcome Mr. Marshall
(Bienvenido, Míster Marshall, Spain, 1953)
Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Berenguer
An American delegation is about to visit the small Spanish village of Villar del Río in order to donate some financial aid. At first the villagers and their deaf mayor have no idea how to prepare for these guests but soon they begin to make big plans for a welcome party. It is then that all of the prejudices of Spanish people towards Americans and vice versa come to light.
b/w, 78'
Tuesday 27.02.2018 AT 19:00
Monday 26.02.2018 AT 21:00
The Executioner
(El verdugo, Spain, Italy, 1963)
Directed by: Luis García Berlanga
PHOTOGRAPHY: Tonino Delli Colli
Executioner Amadeo is about to retire. Since his profession is so peculiar he is worried about his replacement. His daughter Carmen has a different problem: as soon as men realize what her father does, they run away from her. A possible solution for both of them is José, an attractive young man who works as an undertaker.
b/w, 90'
Thursday 01.03.2018 AT 21:00
Wednesday 28.02.2018 AT 19:00
Life Goes On
(El mundo sigue, 1965)
Directed by: Fernando Fernán Gómez
PHOTOGRAPHY: Emilio Foriscot
Kroz priču o dvije sestre koje pokušavaju pronaći uspjeh, ljubav i status u Madridu ranih 1960-ih, redatelj daje snažan i realističan portret Španjolske toga vremena ispunjene mržnjom, zavišću, bijesom, pohlepom, nasiljem, preljubom, kockanjem, prostitucijom, prevarama, lošim položajem žena u društvu i dr. Uz redateljev film Neobično putovanje (1964), inače najomiljeniji film Pedra Almodovara, ovu isprva tajno prikazanu melodramu s elementima neorealizma pozna...