From 07.09. To 18.09.2022.

Portraits: Lars von Trier
All films have only Croatian subtitles.
Ticket is 30,14 kuna (4 euro).
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Films in cycle
(Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain, France, 2003)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Anthony Dod Mantle
Young and beautiful Grace is on the run from gangsters. She comes to a small town of Dogville. There are gunshots behind her and her life is in danger. Tom is the first one from the villagers to meet her and he persuades the others to accept her and hide. In return, Grace starts to work for them. Soon, a sheriff from a neighboring town comes looking for her but the villagers keep quiet. Hoever, the price Grace has to pay for hiding becomes higher as time goes by…
color, 178'
Wednesday 07.09.2022 AT 19:00
Breaking the Waves
(Denmark, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Norway, Island, Spain, UK, 1996)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
The story takes place in Scotland’s small town whose inhabitants are deeply religious. Bess is a young, simple and naïve girl devoted to God. She falls in love with Jan, Danish worker on an oil rig, and they get married. Marital happiness does not last long because Jan has an accident and remains paralyzed. Unable to sexually please her, he suggests to Bess to find herself another man. Bess blames herself for his accident and interprets his plea in a way that only she can understand.
color, 159'
Thursday 08.09.2022 AT 19:00
(Zentropa, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Švicarska, 1991)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Henning Bendtsen, Edward Klosinski, Jean-Paul Meurisse
Šest mjeseci nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata mladi Amerikanac njemačkih korijena Leopold Kessler u Njemačkoj se zapošljava kao kondukter u vlaku Zentropa, odnosno Europa. Njemačku su okupirali saveznici, a Leopold je pacifist i idealima vođen momak koji vjeruje da bi radom u vlaku mogao pomoći iscrpljenoj Europi. No njegov individualizam postupno će biti stavljen na kušnju, najprije nakon što upozna privlačnu Katharinu Hartmann, kći vlasnika željezničke t...
b/w, 112'
Friday 09.09.2022 AT 19:00
The Boss of It All
(Direktøren for det hele, Denmark, Sweden, France, Italy, Germany, Island, 2006)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Claus Rosenløv Jensen
Sredovječni Ravn vlasnik je danske informatičke tvrtke koju želi prodati. Za nevolju, on se godinama pretvarao da nije pravi vlasnik, već da taj živi u Americi i da s njim komunicira isključivo putem maila. To mu je pružalo mogućnost da su se sve nepopularne odluke koje je donosio mogle pripisati odsutnom šefu, dok je zasluge za one popularne spremno prisvajao. No sad pred prodaju potencijalni budući kupac inzistira da osobno upozna velikog šefa. U strahu pred vlastitim radnicima i...
color, 99'
Friday 09.09.2022 AT 21:00
(Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Italy, USA, 2005)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Anthony Dod Mantle
Sequel to Dogville (2003), also focusing on Grace Mulligan. This time she finds herself in southern US ona cotton plantation managed by an older lady called Mam. By accident, thanks to a young black girl, she finds out that in that place slavery has survived for more than seventy years after its abolishment. Shocked by her revelation, she tries to change the situation with the help from her father’s gagsters.
color, 139'
Saturday 10.09.2022 AT 19:00
Dancer in the Dark
(Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, USA, UK, France, Sweden, Finland, Island, Norway, 2000)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
Even though it was filmed in Sweden, the story takes place in the US. In 1964, Selma and her son Gene arrive to America from Europe. She wants to earn money in order to pay for Gene’s eye operation. They both suffer from a genetic disorder that causes blindness. While her eyesight keeps deteriorating, Selma wants to prevent her son from experiencing the same destiny. America does not turn out to be the promised land and Selma continues to live in poverty. She finds comfort and strength in...
color, 140'
Sunday 11.09.2022 AT 19:00
The Five Obstructions
(De fem benspænd, Denmark, Švicarska, Belgium, France, 2003)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
Godine 1967. ugledni danski dokumentarist, antropolog, prozaik i pjesnik Jørgen Leth snimio je kratki crno-bijeli 12-minutni film Savršeno ljudsko biće, satirički intonirano ostvarenje koncipirano kao svojevrsno bihevioralno pseudoistraživanje. Taj film, koji ipak nije Lethovo najpoznatije djelo, jer ta titula pripada također kratkometražnom doksu 66 scena iz Amerike iz 1982. godine, u kojem je glasovita sekvenca s Andyjem Warholom koji jede hamburger, Lars von Trier drži ne samo s...
color, 90'
Monday 12.09.2022 AT 19:00
(Denmark, 1987)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Henning Bendtsen
Radeći na svom novom filmskom projektu, scenaristi Lars i Niels izgube jedini primjerak scenarija naslovljenog Policajac i kurva. Zbog toga smjesta prionu na pisanje novog scenarija, priče o epidemiji odnosno o izbijanju bolesti nalik kugi. U toj priči protagonist je liječnik Mesmer, djelatnik medicinskog fakulteta koji samoinicijativno i unatoč protivljenju nadređenih stiže u jedno njemačko selo da bi mještanima pomogao u borbi protiv zarazne bolesti. U tom trenutku detalji iz scenarija...
b/w, color, 106'
Monday 12.09.2022 AT 21:00
(Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, 2011)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Alberto
In the night of her wedding, Justine is actually unhappy as she fights her emotions. Her sister, who married into a rich family, took over the organization of Justine’s extravagant wedding as well as all expenses, but their relationship is tense. In parallel with the celebration, there is a pending catastrophe. Blue planet called Melancholia is moving towards the Earth and there is no knowing what the consequences of a collision might be.
color, 135'
Tuesday 13.09.2022 AT 19:00
The House That Jack Built
(Denmark, France, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Tunisia, 2018)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Alberto Claro
Sredovječni Jack nerealizirani je arhitekt i realizirani serijski ubojica koji tijekom 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća diljem SAD-a na različite načine ubija svoje žrtve. Isprva su to većinom usamljene žene, ali kasnije i muškarci, a Jack ih usmrćuje kroz različite rituale. Primjerice, mladu majku i njezinu dvojicu malih sinova, koje zavara glumeći romantičnu zainteresiranost za majku, ubije u svojevrsnoj parafrazi lova nakon insceniranog piknika. Jack pritom sa svakim novim ubojstvo...
color, 152'
Wednesday 14.09.2022 AT 19:00
The Idiots
(Idioterne, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy, 1998)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
A group of young people decide “to settle the score” with the society in an original way. Even though they are all perfectly healthy and intelligent, they start acting mentally handicapped in public. What they regard as their therapy or so-called spazzing, causes bother and discomfort to others in their vicinity. Most prominent among them Stoffer, and after one outing, they are joined by Karen. Problems arise when they have to start playing idiots around their families as well&hellip...
color, 117'
Thursday 15.09.2022 AT 19:00
The Element of Crime
(Forbrydelsens element, Denmark, 1984)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
Tijekom prve polovine 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća britanskog detektiva imenom Fisher zatječemo u Kairu, gdje se pokušava prisjetiti svog posljednjeg slučaja u kojem je lovio ubojicu. Želeći rekonstruirati svoja sjećanja, Fisher se odluči podvrgnuti hipnozi, da bi mu ubrzo uz uspomene na lov na serijskog asasina zvanog ´Loto ubojica´ navrla i sjećanja na Europu kao kontinent. Dok se prisjeća da je ´Loto ubojica´ najprije davio a potom i sakatio mlade djevoj...
color, 104'
Thursday 15.09.2022 AT 21:00
Nymphomaniac: Vol. I
(Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium, UK, Sweden, USA, 2013)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Alberto Claro
How can a simple bag of chocolate bonbons can become a symbol of sexual victory? That is the prize for the girl who manages to seduce the most men during an all but innocent train ride. Love is merely lust mixed with jealousy. Joe, the heroine from the title, changes her partners like socks. She is a nymphomaniac. After all, you cannot make an omelet if you don’t break an egg or two. And love? Love is merely lust mixed with jealousy!
color, 148'
Friday 16.09.2022 AT 19:00
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II
(Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium, UK, Sweden, USA, 2013)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Manuel Alberto Claro
This is the sequel to Nymphomaniac 1. Who else was Joe’s lover? How will her conversation with the virgin Seligman end? Who beat her up? How many marriages has she torn? And why does she loath herself?
color, 178'
Saturday 17.09.2022 AT 19:00
(Denmark, Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Poland, 2009)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Anthony Dod Mantle
In a tragic accident a woman loses her son and tries to cope with it. She ends up in a hospital and her husband, who is a therapist, decides to help her himself. His attempts are unsuccessful but he manages to uncover her fear of nature. Therefore, they go to an isolated house called “Paradise” and after a series of psychotherapy sessions, she falls into an even deeper depression and starts to act manically. She also demands rough sex. Instead of getting better, their relationship wo...
color, 108'
Sunday 18.09.2022 AT 19:00
(Denmark, 1988)
Directed by: Lars Von Trier
PHOTOGRAPHY: Sejr Brockmann
Da bi osigurao svoj vladarski tron, kralj Kreont iz Korinta želi hrabrog i poštovanog ratnika Jazona oženiti svojom kćeri Glaukom. Jazon pristane na ženidbu, no nevolja je u tome što je već oženjen Medejom, kćerkom kralja Ejeta iz Kolhide i unukom boga sunca Heliosa, koju je izdao nakon pustolovina sa zlatnim runom. Čarobnica Medeja je na glasu kao mudra ali i osvetoljubiva žena, te se zaklela na osvetu Jazonu zbog njegove izdaje. Kad joj Kreont naloži da s dvojicom svojih sinova n...