From 30.09. To 02.10.2021.

Portreti: Žanrovski svjetovi Alejandra Amenábara
All films have only Croatian subtitles.
Ticket is 25 kuna.
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Films in cycle
The Sea Inside
(Mar adentro, Spain, France, Italy, 2004)
Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar
PHOTOGRAPHY: Javier Aguirresarobe
Uoči projekcije filma u četvrtak, 30. rujna, uvodnu riječ održat će filmolog dr. sc. Tomislav Brlek. U dobi od 26 godina nekadašnji mornar Ramón Sampedro je pri skoku u more teško ozlijedio kralježnicu. Posljedica toga je njegova kvadriplegija, nepokretnost svih udova od vrata naniže, zbog čega je Ramón već nepunih trideset godina vezan za krevet. No on je i dalje osoba pri potpunoj svijesti, a okružen je nesebičnom skrbi većine ljudi oko sebe, ponajviše...
color, 126'
Thursday 30.09.2021 AT 19:00
Open Your Eyes
(Abre los ojos, Spain, France, Italy, 1997)
Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar
In a dark room, a masked man tells his story to a psychiatrist. He used to be rich, handsome and known as a famous conqueror of women. One night he meets his friend’s girlfriend, Sofia, and falls in love for the first time. As Fate would have it, his former girlfriend’s jealousy costs him his face and her own life. He has been horribly disfigured forever… or has he?
color, 119'
Friday 01.10.2021 AT 19:00
(Tesis, Spain, 1996)
Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar
Angela is writing her thesis on audiovisual violence. During her research, she uncovers a snuff film in which the violence is real and the “actors” are murdered during the shoot. Angela finds out that the film was made at her university. Terrified, she realizes that she might soon become the next victim. In 1996, this film won the Goya award in the categories of Best Film, Debutant Actress (Fele Martínez), Screenplay, Director, Editing, and Sound.
color, 125'
Friday 01.10.2021 AT 21:00
The Others
(Los otros, Spain, USA, France, Italy, UK, 2001)
Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar
PHOTOGRAPHY: Javier Aguirresarobe
This film is an atmospheric combination of a thriller and horror. The story takes place during WW II in a huge house inhabited by Grace and her two children, Anne and Nicholas. Grace’s husband fights in the war and she hasn’t heard any news about him for a long time. The two children are extremely sensitive to light and therefore the whole house is constantly in dark. Soon, strange things begin to happen…
color, 104'
Saturday 02.10.2021 AT 19:00
(Spain, Malta, Bulgaria, 2009)
Directed by: Alejandro Amenábar
U četvrtom stoljeću Nove ere Egiptom vlada Rimsko carstvo, a zemlju potresaju snažni religijski sukobi. Najveće kršćansko uporište u sukobima s poganstvom je Aleksandrijska knjižnica kojom ravna otmjena, mudra i iznimno obrazovana Hipatija. Porijeklom Grkinja, ona je kći znanstvenika i filozofa Teona, kojeg nadvisuje svojim znanjem, elokvencijom i mudrošću, kao i za ono doba vrlo naprednim razmišljanjima i stavovima. Dok se bori za očuvanje drevnih knjiga u kojima je...