From 06.12. To 17.12.2017.

Premijera u Tuškancu
Films in cycle
The Faces of Lafora
(Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2017)
Directed by: Denis Bojić
The documentary "Faces of Lafora" is a film adaptation of a fight for finding a cure for one of the most serious childhood diseases in the world, Lafora disease. This most severe and rarest form of human epilepsy takes lives of children all around the world. Although it has been more than a century since the disease was first described, pharmaceutical companies and public funds were not interested enough in funding the research, because this is a rare disease. All the burden, to fund t...
color, 85 min
Wednesday 06.12.2017 AT 19:00
The Voice of Medviđa
(Croatia, 2017)
Directed by: Luka Klapan
After the war, Serbs never returned to Medviđa, a village in Benkovac county, only a small fraction of Croats with their families returned. They had been living in Medviđa in coexistence with the Serbs, helping, befriending and marrying each other. In the beginning of the Homeland War, most Croats remained by their fireplaces, thinking that their neighbors, cousins, and friends, Serbs would never hurt them. However, reality turned out to be quite different from their expectations.
color, 57 min
Thursday 07.12.2017 AT 21:00
Directed by: Frano Barunčić
Dugometražni film Kamelon prikazuje dekonstrukciju modernog društva koji nadilazi moralne norme i ograničenja postavljena od strane društva te time uspijeva postati ideja veća od čovjeka koji umire i biva zaboravljen. Kroz radnju filma pratimo grupu ljudi različitih životnih dobi i interesa. Svi oni žive u malom gradu povezani na bezbroj načina. Grad je to kao i naš u kojem živimo, gdje svatko zna sve o svakome, tko kako živi, kakav posao ima, koji auto vozi, imali li za ski...
color, 80 min
Tuesday 12.12.2017 AT 19:00
Ali and Nino
(Azerbaijan, 2016)
Directed by: Asif Kapadia
PHOTOGRAPHY: Gökhan Tiryaki
Love story of a Muslim Azerbaijani boy and Christian Georgian girl in Baku from 1918 to 1920.
color, 104 min
Wednesday 13.12.2017 AT 19:30
Football Icons - Battle for Macola
(Croatia, 2017)
Directed by: Vlado Boban
A story about football fanatics who created a pub quiz with no sponsors, in which world famous sports stars participate…