Igor Bezinović

1983., Rijeka



He graduated in philosophy, sociology and comparative literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb and in film and TV directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb.

He directed fourteen short films and two feature films: the documentary Blockade (2012) and the feature-documentary Short Trip (2017). He is engaged in film professionally and as an amateur.


Films by this director

Short Trip

(Kratki izlet, Croatia, 2017)

Directed by: Igor Bezinović
PHOTOGRAPHY: Danko Vučinović

Stola is a man on the threshold of middle age who tells about what happened to him and a group of his friends and acquaintances one summer a few years ago. That late July, they found themselves at the Motovun Film Festival, where all their days seemed like a continuous party. And then Stola's friend Roko suggested to them one evening, somewhat under the influence of alcohol, that the next morning they go on a bus trip to a nearby monastery, where supposedly the most beautiful frescoes in Ist...

color, 75'

Fiume o morte!

(Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, 2024 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kino Forum (SD Stjepan Radić, Jarunska ul. 2))

Directed by: Igor Bezinović

Građani grada Rijeke, kojeg Talijani zovu Fiume, prepričavaju, rekonstruiraju i reinterpretiraju bizarnu priču o 16-mjesečnoj okupaciji njihovog grada 1919. godine od strane talijanskog pjesnika, dandyija i propovjednika rata Gabrielea D’Annunzija.   Ulaznice za projekciju 12. 03. u 19:00 moguće je kupiti online OVDJE ili na blagajni kina Forum sat vremena prije početka.

color, 112'
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