Bob Fosse

23.06.1927, Chicago, Illinois, USA - 23.09.1987, Washington, USA



Filmski redatelj te kazališni koreograf i redatelj. Osvojio je osam nagrada Tony za koreografiju, kao i jednu za režiju, a 1972. je osvojio Oscara za režiju mjuzikla Cabaret.


Films by this director

All That Jazz


Directed by: Bob Fosse
PHOTOGRAPHY: Giuseppe Rotunno

This film is a sort of a biography of the choreographer, dancer and director Bob Fosse. Roy Scheider plays Joe Gideon, a choreographer who with the help of pills and alcohol tries to balance his responsibilities in the theatre and as the director of a new film with his private life, which includes several girlfriends, an ex wife and a talented daughter. Eventually, he feels overwhelmed by it all and starts to question his life.

35 mm, color, 123 min


(USA, 1972 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Centar za kulturu Histrionski dom (Ilica 90))

Directed by: Bob Fosse
PHOTOGRAPHY: Geoffrey Unsworth

color, 124'
See full programe