Rachid Bouchareb

Roses à crédit (TV film) (2010)
La guerre des fils de la lumière contre les fils des ténèbres (2009)
Carmel (2009)
Plus tard (2008)
Disengagement (2007)
Chacun son cinéma ou Ce petit coup au coeur quand la lumière s'éteint et que le film commence (2007) (omnibus, part Le Dibbouk de Haifa)
News from Home/News from House (2006) (documentary)
Free Zone (2005)
Bem-Vindo a São Paulo (2004) (documentary, omnibus)
Promised Land (2004)
Alila (2003)
11'09''01 - September 11 (omnibus, dio Israel) (2002)
Kedma (2002)
Eden (2001)
Kippur (2000)
Zion, Auto-Emancipation (1999) (documentary)
Kadosh (1999)
Yom Yom (1998)
A House in Jerusalem (1998) (documentary)
Tapuz (1998) (documentary)
War and Peace in Vesoul (1997) (documentary)
Zirat Ha'Rezach (1996) (documentary)
Milim (1996)
Zihron Devarim (1995)
The Neo-Fascist Trilogy: II. In the Name of the Duce (1994) (documentary)
The Neo-Fascist Trilogy: III. Queen Mary (1994) (documentary)
The Neo-Fascist Trilogy: I. In the Valley of the Wupper (1994) (documentary)
Te'atron Hahaim (documentary) (1994)
Golem, le jardin pétrifié (1993)
Golem, l'esprit de l'exil (1992)
Wadi 1981-1991 (1992)
Gibellina, Metamorphosis of a Melody (1992)
Naissance d'un Golem (1991)
Berlin-Yerushalaim (1989)
Brand New Day (1988) (documentary)
Esther (1986)
Ananas (1984) (documentary)
Bankok Bahrain (1984)
Regan: Image for Sale (1984)
Yoman Sadeh (1982) (documentary)
American Mythologies (1981) (documentary)
Wadi (1981) (short documentary)
Bayit (1980) (documentary)
In Search of Identity (1980) (medium length)
Bikur Carter B'Israel (1979) (short)
Cultural Celebrities (1979) (documentary)
M'Ora'ot Wadi Salib (1979) (short)
Architectura (1978 ) (short)
Wadi Rushima (1978) (short)
Political Myths (1977) (short)
Shikun (1977) (short)
Charisma (1976) (short)
Ahare (1974) (short)