René Clément

18.03.1913, Bordeaux, France - 17.03.1996


lready in his student days, Clément
shot a few short and documentary films. Battle for the Railroad was made
on order, but Clément won the Palme d’Or in Cannes for it (the first year of the
festival). His next films also received awards in Cannes. Clément’s major
interests are most strongly expressed in Forbidden games, the story of a
city girl who, due to the war consequences, finds herself living in a family of
peasants. In his films Clément often uses contrasts such as relations between
the lyric and the rough. In later years Clément shoots a few comedies and his
last film in 1975.


Jeune fille libre le soir (1975)
La course du ličvre ŕ travers les champs (1972)
La maison sous les arbres (1971)
Le passager de la pluie (1969)
Paris brűle-t-il? (1966)
Les félins (1964)
Le jour et l'heure (1962)
Che gioia vivere (1960)
Plein soleil (1960)
This Angry Age (1958)
Gervaise (1956)
Monsieur Ripois (1954)
Jeux interdits (1952)
Le château de verre (1950)
Au-delŕ des grilles (1948)
Les maudits (1947)
Le pčre tranquille (1946)
La bataille du rail (1946)
Chefs de demain (1944)
Paris sous la botte (1944)
La grande pastorale (1943)
Ceux du rail (1942)
Toulouse (1940)
Le triage (1940)
La bičvre, fille perdue (1939)
Paris la nuit (1939)
La grande chartreuse (1938)
L'arabie interdite (1937)
Soigne ton gauche (1936)

Films by this director

The Battle of the Rails

(La bataille du rail, 1946.)

Directed by: René Clément

Clément’s film was initially planned as a documentary, but during shooting became something more. Many railroad workers were joined by film professionals and the result is a film enriched with fictional dialogues and scenes, and a reconstruction of events that took place in the time of French resistance and which peaked with the attack on a German armored train.

35 mm, b/w, 85 min

Soigne ton gauche


Directed by: René Clément

In a forest, a sports trainer coaches two boxers for a fight. On a nearby farm, Roger dreams about becoming a boxer and neglects farm chores. When one of the professional boxers gets injured, Roger is invited to be the sparring partner of the other boxer. Roger accepts the offer even though he does not know anything about boxing…

b/w, digital, 12 min



Directed by: René Clément
PHOTOGRAPHY: Robert Juillard

Naslovna junakinja filma je pralja, žena iz druge polovice 19. stoljeća koja je unatoč trudu i ambicijama, upropaštena zbog sebičnih muškaraca. Nakon što je dugogodišnji ljubavnik Auguste Lantier ostavi samu s dva sina, Gervaise nastoji sama dodatnim poslovima zaraditi za uzdržavanje sebe i djece. Spoznavši da ne može sama, udaje se za krovopokrivača Henrija Coupeaua. Rađa im se kći, a Gervaise štedi da bi otvorila vlastitu praonicu. Suprug joj uskoro doživi nesreću...

35 mm, b/w, 112 min

Purple Noon

(Plein Soleil, France, Italy, 1960 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Centar za kulturu Histrionski dom (Ilica 90))

Directed by: René Clément

Adaptacija romana Patricije Highsmith s Alainom Delonom u glavnoj ulozi Toma Ripleya, varalice i predatora skromna podrijetla, ali velikih ambicija. On odlazi u Europu po plaćenom zadatku kako bi nagovorio Philippea Greenleafa da se vrati u SAD. Njih dvojica se sprijateljuju i Tom otkriva Philippeu da ga je poslao njegov otac. Iako tvrdi da će se vratiti, Philippe ga zapravo zavlači te naposljetku Tomu njegov otac ukida novčanu potporu.

color, 118'

Joy House

(Les félins, 1964.)

Directed by: René Clément

Marc bježi u Europu da bi spasio glavu nakon što je zaveo ženu moćnog američkog gangstera. Skrivajući se u skloništu za siromašne, susreće bogatu udovicu Barbaru koja ga zaposli kao vozača. Dovodi ga i u svoju kuću gdje upoznaje njezinu zamamnu, ali naivnu nećakinju Melindu. Čini se da je objema ženama privlačan, no Marc osjeća da nešto nije u redu...

35 mm, b/w, 97 min
See full programe