Erez Tadmor

18.01.1974, Herzliya, Israel



Redatelj, scenarist i producent. Diplomirao je na filmskoj školi u Tel Avivu, a već prvi kratkometražni film Moosh (2000.) donio mu je brojne nagrade na međunarodnim filmskim festivalima. Uslijedio je kratkometražni televizijski film The Little Prince (2001.). S Guyem Nattivom režira i piše kratkometražne Strangers (2003.) i Offside (2006.) te dugometražni Stranci (Strangers, 2007.). S Yaronom Amitaijem snima dokumentarni film All Is Well by Me (2005.), a sa Sharonom Maymonom dugometražni igrani film Pitanje mjere (A Matter of Size, 2009.). Ponovno s Guyem Nattivom napisao je i režirao humornu dramu Magic Men (2011.). Zajedno snimaju i kratkometražni Dragi Bože (Dear God, 2014.), a samostalno režira drame Ranjena zemlja (Wounded Land, 2015.) i Home Port (2016.). Za Ranjenu zemlju primio je nagradu za najboljeg redatelja od Izraelske filmske akademije.


A matter of size (2009)

Films by this director

Home Port

(Israel, 2016)

Directed by: Erez Tadmor
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ziv Berkovich

After 30 years at sea Aharon Avital  ‘lands’ in time for the birth of his first grandchild and is looking forward to living a normal life at last. He is appointed Head of the Marine Department at the Ashdod Port.  Almost immediately he clashes with the “Big Man” at the port, Azulay. On one hand, Azulay is a corrupt bully, but on the other he is warm-hearted and open to the troubles of the port workers, who admire him.

color, digital, 95 min
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