Gárdos is a director and screenwriter. He graduated from Eötvös Lóránt University in Budapest, at the art department in 1971. After graduation he worked as assistant director in a studio for film news and documentaries. He soon advanced and became a director and many documentaries. He also directed feature films, such as
Uramisten (The Philadelphia Attraction, 1985),
Szamárköhögés (Whooping Cough, 1987),
A Skorpió megeszi az ikreket reggelire (Scorpio Eats Gemini for Breakfast, 1992),
A Brooklyni testvér (The Brother From Brooklyn, 1995),
Az utolsó blues (The Last Blues, 2002),
A Porcelánbaba (The Porcelain Doll, 2005) and
Az igazi mikulás (The Real Santa, 2005). He also directs in theatre.