Grigorij Vasiljevič (Mormenko) Aleksandrov
10.01.1902, Sverdlovsk - 16.12.1984, Moskva

Aleksandrov was a Russian director and screenwriter, who began his career as an actor, acrobat and director in the theatre Proletkult. There he worked with Eisenstein, eventually becoming his assistant. He worked on Eisenstein’s first films Strike (1924) and The Battleship Potemkin (Bronenosets Potyomkin, 1925) as a co-screenwriter, actor and assistant. He co-directed Eisenstein’s later films, Old and New/The General Line (1929) and October (1929). In 1979, Aleksandrov finished the final version of Eisenstein’s film Que viva Mexico! (1932). He achieved international success with his musical comedy The Happy Guys (Vesyolyye rebyata, 1934), in which he relied on Hollywood musicals. His films The Circus (Tsirk, 1936), Volga - Volga (1938), Spring (Vesna, 1947) were favorites for many years among the Soviets.
Lyubov Orlova (1983)
Skvorets i Lira (1973)
Lenin in Switzerland (Lenin v Shvejtsarij, 1965) (TV)
Before October (Pered oktyabre, 1965)
Lenin in Poland (Lenine v Polske, 1961)
Russian Souvenir (Russkij suvenir, 1960)
From Man to Man (Chelovek cheloveku, 1958)
Kompozitor Glinka (1952)
Meeting on the Elbe (Vstrecha na Elbe, 1949)
Spring (Vesna, 1947)
Men of the Caspian (Kaspiky, 1944)
A Family (1943)
The Shining Path (Svetlyj put, 1940)
Time In the Sun (1940)
Pervoye maya (1938)
Volga - Volga (1938)
Doklad tov. Stalina o proekte Konstututsii SSSR na VIII Chrezvytsaynom S\'ezde Sovetov (1937)
The Circus (Tsirk 1936)
The Happy Guys (Vesyolyye rebyata, 1934)
Internationale (Internatsional, 1932)
!Que viva Mexico! (1932)
Sentimental Romance (Romance sentimentale, 1930)
Misery and Fortune of Women (Frauennot - Frauenglück: Das Hohelied der ärztlichen Kunst, 1929)
Old and New/The General Line (Staroye i novoye, 1929)
October (Oktyabr, 1927)
The Battleship Potemkin (Bronenosets Potyomkin, 1925)