Jacques Demy

05.06.1931, Pontchâteau, Loire-Atlantique, France - 27.10.1990, Paris, France


Even though Demy was making films at the same time as Godard, Truffaut and Chabrol, his films are much more romantic, lyrical and almost fairy-tale like; nevertheless he does not neglect psychological realism. Always in love with sounds and images, Demy concentrated on the romantic aspects of life, unlike most of the other members of the French New wave. Even in his first film, Lola, starring Anouk Aimée (who became famous after Claude Lelouche’s A Man and a Woman and Fellini’s films The Sweet Life and 8 1/2), it was evident that his main characteristics as an author include, besides specific poetics, precise psychological profiling of the characters and evocations of inner processes in his characters. In Lola it is evident that Demy devoted his film to the French director of German-Jewish origin Max Ophüls. Demy in Lola shows all the characteristics that he was to become recognizable for later in his career; they include stylized photography and a romantic overall atmosphere. Demy’s most successful film was his third film The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, a romantic story with sung dialogues and set designs characteristic of Hollywood musicals. The composer of the famous music for this film was Michel Legrand. Demy won the Grand Prix in Cannes. Afterwards he continued his career in America but never achieved the success of his early films. From 1962 until his death in 1990, his wife was the director Agnes Varda.


La table tournante (1988)
Trois places pour le 26 (1988)
Parking (1985)
Une chambre en ville (1982)
Lady Oscar (1978)
L'evénement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la lune (1973)
The Pied Piper (1972)
Peau d'âne (1970)
The Model Shop (1969)
Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)
Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964)
La Baie des anges (1963)
Les sept péchés capitaux (1962)
Lola (1961)
Ars (1959)
La mere et l'enfant (1959)
Musee Grevin (1958)
Le bel indifférent (1957)
Le sabotier du Val de Loire (1955)

Films by this director

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg

(Les parapluies de Cherbourg, France, West Germany, 1964 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy

Genevieve, a seventeen-year-old girl, lives with her mother who owns an umbrella shop. Genevieve is in love with the mechanic Guy who has to go to the army. She is left alone and pregnant. Even though she is still in love with Guy, she, because of the child, marries a rich jewelry merchant.

color, 91'


(France, Italy, 1961 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy
PHOTOGRAPHY: Raoul Coutard

Anouk Aimée plays Lola, a cabaret singer in Nantes and mother of a small boy. It has been seven years since the boy’s father left them and went to America telling them he would return upon getting rich. In his absence, Lola’s childhood friend Roland falls in love with her. American sailor Frankie is also not immune to Lola’s charms.

b/w, 90'

Bay of Angels

(La baie des anges, France, 1963 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy

Jackie is a middle-aged gambler who leaves her husband and children in Paris and goes to Nice. She spends time in the casinos. Just when she gets lucky at gambling she meets a handsome young man, Jean. Foolishly convinced that he was the reason for her win, she starts an affair with him…

b/w, 90'

The Young Girls of Rochefort

(Les demoiselles de Rochefort, France, 1967 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ghislain Cloquet

Sisters in real life, Françoise Dorléac and Catherine Deneuve play sisters in this film. Twins Solange and Delphine live together and work at a music and dance school. Solange teaches piano, while Delphine teaches dancing. Even though they dream of Paris, convinced that they would find love and careers there, romance awaits them right around the corner… Film has both English and Croatian subtitles!

color, 120'

Donkey Skin

(Peau d'âne, France, 1970 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ghislain Cloquet

This is a film adaptation of Charles Perrault’s fairy tale about a king who promises his dying wife that he will not marry a less pretty woman than herself. Because of such an unusual demand the king chooses his own daughter, the princess. In order to avoid this destiny the princess, with help from a fairy, starts asking for impossible things as her wedding gifts…

color, 91'

Najvažniji događaj otkako je čovjek stupio na Mjesec

(L'Événement le plus important depuis que l'homme a marché sur la Lune, France, Italy, 1973 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy
PHOTOGRAPHY: Andréas Winding

Talijan Marco je suvlasnik i instruktor auto-škole u Parizu, a njegova zaručnica, Francuskinja Irene, radi kao frizerka te je majka sinčića Lucasa kojeg zajedno podižu. Nakon zajedničke večere Marco počne osjećati vrtoglavicu i nelagodu u trbuhu, pa mu Irene kaže da posjeti liječnika. Sljedećeg jutra Marco to i učini, a liječnik mu priopći da njegovi simptomi upućuju na trudnoću. Pošalje ga ginekologu, a ovaj potvrdi da je Marco trudan te zaključi da su trudnoću prouzročile kemika...

color, 96'

A Room in Town

(Une chambre en ville, France, 1982 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy

Nantes 1955, radnički štrajk. François Guilbaud, mladi brodogradilišni radnik i sudionik štrajka, unajmi sobu kod gospođe Laglois, udovice koja simpatizira štrajkače iako je pripadnica više klase, rođena kao barunica. Françoisova djevojka Violette, koja radi u dućani i živi s majkom, želi da se vjenčaju, ali François oklijeva, djelomično zato što njih dvoje nemaju dovoljno novca niti mjesto za zajednički život. Na ulici, Fran&ccedil...

color, 90'


(France, 1985 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Kulturno informativni centar KIC (Preradovićeva ul. 5))

Directed by: Jacques Demy
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jean-François Robin

Slavni pop pjevač i skladatelj Orfej svoje ljubavne pjesme posvećuje supruzi Euridici, kiparici koja dizajnira omote njegovih albuma. Njih dvoje žive u dvorcu, zajedno s njegovim menadžerom Aristéeom te inženjerom zvuka i ljubavnikom Calaïsom. Tijekom jednog od Orfejevih koncerata dolazi do kvara na električnim instalacijama koji pjevača gotovo ubije, te on završi u podzemnom svijetu u obliku stanice metroa i garaže za parkiranje automobila. Tamo se upozna s Haronom, Hadom i...

color, 95'
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