Josip Lukić


Born in 1984 in Split where he graduated from the Faculty of Economics. Currently a student of film directing at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb and one of the workshop mentors at Blank Film Incubator. His filmography includes: Momsy (2018, Croatian Film Days Grand Prix), The Rex Will Sail In (2019), Boo-boo Boo hoo hoo (ZFF 2015).


Films by this director

Summer Fruits

(Južno voće, Croatia, 2019)

Directed by: Josip Lukić
PHOTOGRAPHY: Marinko Marinkić

Južno voće je osvježavajuće, ali na velikim vrućinama brzo se kvari. Josip Lukić redatelj je, scenarist i glumac. Njegov kratkometražni igrani film Minjonja njanjonja prikazan je na ZFF-u 2015. godine. Podnaslovi: EN

color, 20'
See full programe