Mate Relja

29.08.1922, Šibenik - 01.08.2006


Relja took a degree in literature from the University of Philosophy in
Zagreb. He started his artistic career in 1944 in a partisan theatre. From 1948
he worked in Jadran film as assistant director, and collaborated on feature
films by Fedor Hanžeković. His first feature film was the action war drama that
took place right after WW II (Kota 905, 1960). In the 70s and 80s
he worked in Filmoteka 16 as director of production, director, and dramaturgist.


Program FAS II /short films

- Vlak u snijegu (1976)
- Opasni put (1963)
- Kota 905 (1960)

Films by this director

Train in the Snow

(Vlak u snijegu, Yugoslavia: Croatia, 1976 | Mjesto prikazivanja filma: Scena Ribnjak (Centar mladih Ribnjak, Park Ribnjak 1))

Directed by: Mate Relja
PHOTOGRAPHY: Ivica Rajković

This film, based on the famous novel by Mato Lovrak, is about childhood, different personalities and overcoming of problems by staying united in spite of many differences. This is the story about a group of children who go on a field trip to a big city and experience problems on their return home through the snowed-in nature.

color, 84'

Opasni put


Directed by: Mate Relja

This is a lyrical war film. It is about a group of kids who escape from a Nazi concentration camp and try to reach their home in Slovenia. This film won a Golden Lion for the children’s film at the Venice film festival.

b/w, 96 min

Kota 905

(Croatia, Yugoslavia, 1960)

Directed by: Mate Relja
PHOTOGRAPHY: Tomislav Pinter

U razdoblju nakon Drugog svjetskog rata kapetan tajne službe OZNA Vladimir zadužen je za razbijanje naoružanih pristalica srušenog režima, predvođenih majorom Momirom. Vladimir se u šumi ubacuje u odmetničke redove, pretvarajući se da je jedan od njih. Jelka, kći glavnog Momirova jataka Stanka, dozna pravi Vladimirov identitet. Jelku je Stanko, protiv njene volje, obećao dati Momiru za ženu. Vladimir strepi hoće li ga ona izdati... Prvijenac uglednog redatelja Mate Relje film je k...

b/w, 35 mm, 85'
See full programe