Zvonimir Maycug


Zvonimir Maycug (1959) is a professional waiter who unsuccessfully tried to
enroll into the Academy of Drama Arts in Zagreb many times. However, this
did not prevent him from realizing his directing ambitions. As a film author
(producer, screenwriter and actor), he first gathered financial resources and a
group of his friends, film amateurs all, and then started making movies. In the
end of 1982, he made his film Ja sam tvoj bog, which was never released
for distribution. During 1984, he made the pornographic film Oaza, for
which he was sentenced to three months in prison and one month on parole. In
1988, he made the new, minimally changed version of Oaze, which achieved
good results in the video pirate market. In 1997, he made Kalvarija.


Films by this director

Ja sam tvoj Bog


Directed by: Zvonimir Maycug

A woman has to spend the night in a small Bosnian town and continue her travels the following day. During the night, we witness this woman’s erotic fantasies. An attractive amateur actress, Senada Latić, plays the lead role bashfully and without skill. The director described this film as a depiction of highlanders’ patriarchal society.

color, 88 min



Directed by: Zvonimir Maycug

This is another one of Zvonimir Maycug’s pornographic films, which, unlike his other film Oaza, did not have much social repercussion. It was shown only once in a film theatre outside of Zagreb.

color, 100 min



Directed by: Zvonimir Maycug

Maycugov remake vlastitog istoimenog pornografskog filma iz 1987. godine (zbog kojeg je bio i sudski osuđen). Film poznat po tome što je glavna glumica Dragica Rščan (Slovenka iz jednog sela u Prekomurju) šokirala svoje suseljane kada je izjavila da joj je najveći životni san bio snimati porniće.

color, 100 min
See full programe