Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević

03.11.1939, Čačak, Serbia, Kingdom of Yugoslavia


Srpski redatelj, scenarist i direktor fotografije. Završio je studij režije 1966. godine u klasi Aleksandra Saše Petrovića kao prvi diplomirani filmski režiser na tada tek formiranoj Akademiji za film, pozorište, radio i televiziju u Beogradu. Filmom se počeo baviti još početkom pedesetih kao snimatelj na nekoliko kratkometražnih dokumentarnih filmova, surađujući i s Obradom Glušćevićem i Rudolfom Sremecom. Tijekom studija režira kratkometražne i dokumentarne filmove, a diplomirao je kratkim filmom Adam i Eva 66 (1966.). Radio je kao asistent redatelja Puriši Đorđeviću od 1961. do 1969. godine. Dugometražni igranofilmski debut ostvario je režijom drame Bube u glavi (1970.). Film je odmah postigao uspjeh, osvojivši Zlatnog lava na filmskom festivalu u Veneciji 1970. godine. U filmu Bez (1972.), surađivao je s Draganom Nikolićem koji glumački „nosi“ čitav film ne progovorivši pritom nijednu riječ. Dalje eksperimentira u drami Testament (1975.), također snimljenoj bez naracije i klasično zamišljene radnje. Glavnu ulogu u filmu dao je Danilu 'Bati' Stojkoviću. Tijekom sedamdesetih i osamdesetih, i dalje radeći na dokumentarnim filmovima, režira najzapaženija djela Kvar (1978.), Dečko koji obećava (1981.), Živeti kao sav normalan svet (1982.), Una (1984.). Romantična drama Una ekranizacija je romana Mome Kapora, nakon koje je uslijedila drama Čavka (1988.). Tijekom devedesetih snima televizijski film Devojka s lampom (1992.), adaptaciju romana Mirka Kovača Uvod u drugi život (1992.) i zapaženu dramu Ni na nebu ni na zemlji (1994.). U periodu od 1995. do 1997. godine režira dvije televizijske serije (Otvorena vrata, 1995. i Gore dole, 1996.-1997.). Osobnijim temama vraća se u film s filmskom trilogijom Buđenje iz mrtvih (2005.), Odbačen (2007.) i, šesnaesti film njegove bogate filmske karijere, Kako su me ukrali Nemci (2011.). Potonji film je autobiografsko djelo koje je postiglo uspjeh kako kod publike, tako i kod kritike učinivši ga tako i svojevrsnom krunom dosadašnje karijere. Profesor je na Fakultetu dramskih umjetnosti u Beogradu, predaje filmski scenarij i filmsku i TV režiju.

Miša Radivojević: Pravio sam vrlo opasne filmove i zbog toga sam htio biti u sjeni -


Kako su me ukrali Nemci (2011)
Odbačen (2007)
Buđenje iz mrtvih (2005)
Gore dole (1996-1997) (TV serija, 27 nastavaka)
Otvorena vrata (1995) (TV serija, 2 nastavka)
Ni na nebu ni na zemlji (1994)
Omnibus '93 (1993) (kratkometražni)
Uvod u drugi život (1992)
Devojka s lampom (1992) (TV)
Šaran (1991) (kratkometražni)
Čavka (1988)
Slobodarski Beograd (1985) (dokumentarni)
Una (1984)
Karlovački doživljaji 1889 (1983) (TV, srednjemetražni)
Živeti kao sav normalan svet (1982)
Dečko koji obećava (1981)
Snovi, život, smrt Filipa Filipovića (1980) (TV)
Dobro došao druže Tito u svoju staru fabriku (1979) (kratkometražni)
Razvitak Novog Pazara (1979)
Noć od paučine (1978) (TV, srednjemetražni)
Kvar (1978)
Izgradnja mostova u SR Srbiji (1977) (srednjemetražni, dokumentarni)
Od pet do sedam (1976) (TV, srednjemetražni)
Testament (1975)
Prvo ubistvo (1972) (TV, kratkometražni)
Bez (1972)
Bube u glavi (1970)
Hoću kući (1968) (kratkometražni, dokumentarni)
Adam i Eva 66 (1966) (kratkometražni)
Šta bi s godinama onim... (1965) (kratkometražni, dokumentarni)
Zvezdana prašina (1965) (kratkometražni, dokumentarni)

Films by this director

How I Was Stolen by the Germans


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Radoslav Vladić

This is for the most part an autobiographical film by the director Miloš Radivojević and the last part of the trilogy whose other parts include Awaking from the Dead (2005) and The Reject (2007). During the occupation, as a small boy, the author developed a special kind of friendship with a German officer who lived in his family house. Even though he is a stranger in the family, the German offers love and attention to the boy that he never experienced in his own family, which has thus left him f...

35 mm, color, 140 min

This Crazy World of Ours


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Milivoje Milivojević

Vera and Dragan are a young couple experiencing love troubles even though they are very much in love. They suffer from their own anxieties, which they cannot overcome. He feels like a “wrong man in a right world”, or rather, the right man in the wrong world. Unable to find their own ways in life, they end up in a mental institution where instead of getting treatment and guidance they find themselves in an utterly hopeless situation.

35 mm, color, 71 min



Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Milivoje Milivojević

This is a film without a classic plot and narration, accompanied only by a soundtrack and following the hero through his life. It relies heavily on the acting talent of the main actor, Dragan Nikolić, and only partly on several other supporting actors. In a total of thirty sequences, the hero tries to live his life: he loves, hates, eats, drinks, falls ill, laughs, cries…

35 mm, color, 80 min



Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Aleksandar Petković

This film has a unique structure, no narration and no plot. The hero, played by Danilo 'Bata' Stojković, gets wounded during a shootout in the town. An ambulance takes him to the hospital but he succumbs to his wounds. Nevertheless, unexpectedly, he returns to life and tries to face his traumatic experience. He fights his loneliness and anxiety and thinks that somebody is haunting him. Unable to achieve inner peace, he runs away into the wilderness.

35 mm, color, 80 min



Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Aleksandar Petković

At first glance, the hero of the film has everything: he leads a comfortable life, has a job as a journalist and a wife from a good family. However, he starts to get into fights with his editor as well as his wealthy father-in-law more and more. To make matters worse, he gets a strange rash in a delicate spot and visits a doctor. He prescribes him some ointment and advises him to go out into nature and relax. After taking his advice, a radical change takes place in the man’s life.

35 mm, color, 91 min

Promising Boy


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

Slobodan is a really “promising boy”: a model young man, good student, obedient son of a decent and well-off family and is considerate to his girlfriend. One day it all changes. After admitting having had a short affair with a Swiss woman to his girlfriend Maša, she hits him on the head with an oar. Feeling completely free, Slobodan starts to live his life to the fullest.

35 mm, color, 106 min

Living Like the Rest of Us


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Božidar 'Bota' Nikolić

Having enrolled in the Musical Academy to study composition, Radoš moves from the provinces to Belgrade. He is a modest man satisfied with a small attic room even though, due to a lack of money, he sometimes has to pay for rent by offering sexual services. However, he is young and idealistic and eager to compose “music for mankind”. His professors and colleagues do not share his ideals and views, so gradually he becomes bitter and disillusioned.

35 mm, color, 90 min

Ni na nebu ni na zemlji


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Radoslav Vladić

Three friends in their thirties try to get by in an environment that does not offer opportunities for personal development. Nikola is an unemployed architect living comfortably from working on the black market. His nickname is Champion because he used to race in speedboats, but now he is depressed with the town he lives in. One is a smuggler and the other, a professor of world literature, survives off of gambling until getting a job as an assistant professor.

digital, color, 100 min

Awaking from the Dead


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Radoslav Vladić

At the end of March 1999, during the bombing of Belgrade, Miki literally comes back from the dead. Rising from his own grave, within 48 hours he tries to do what he could not manage in life. He goes to his hometown in inner Serbia to visit his sick father, meets his girlfriend from high school, and talks to his childhood friend - only to realize how pointless his and all of their lives are…

35 mm, color, 134 min

The Reject


Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Radoslav Vladić

This is the second part of Radivojević’s trilogy (other parts are Awaking from the Dead, 2005, and How I Was Stolen by the Germans, 2011) and a personal drama about not fitting in, feelings of rejection and the inability to adapt to the surrounding world. The hero is a former journalist who works in the public relations department of a bank. His wife has left him and he unsuccessfully tries to maintain his relationship with her and their daughter. He starts to experience a midlife crisis, loses...

35 mm, color, 97 min


(Yugoslavia, 1984)

Directed by: Miloš 'Miša' Radivojević
PHOTOGRAPHY: Aleksandar Petković

Inteligentna, privlačna i ambiciozna studentica Una Vojvodić odlučila je napraviti intervju za studentski list s najpopularnijim fakultetskim profesorom, Mišelom Babićem. Babić je kontroverzni nastavnik blizak anarhističkim idejama i zato nije miljenik službenih komunističko-birokratskih fakultetskih i političkih struktura, ali studenti ga jako vole – njegova predavanja o masovnim medijima redovno su krcata, studenti ih prate i sjedeći na podu jer sva su mjesta popunjena. Prodekan f...

color, 110’
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