Álex Ollé

Together with Carlos Padris Ollé is a member of the group La fura dels baus that made street theatre performances from 1979 to 1983. During 1990s the group enriched its artistic operations and caused controversy with its theatre play XXX. Fausto 5.0 (2001) is Ollé’s first film directed in collaboration with Carlos Padris and Isidro Ortiz. Ollé and Padris worked also on Bigas Luna’s film La teta y la luna (1994).
Isidro Ortiz (Plasencia, September 13, 1963)
Ortiz has been a film enthusiast since his childhood and became a film director. He studied at the London Film Institute and in 1980 made his short film Cooperativa de Cine Doré. Two years later he made another short film Hermetikoa (1982) that won the first prize at the 2nd Video Festival in San Sebastian. He worked for the Spanish Television, Canal Plus and Canal Satélite Digital. In 1995, he began directing commercials for different production companies. In 1998, he left his job on Canal Plusu and together with the group La fura dels baus (Carlos Padrissa, Álex Ollé) made the feature film Fausto 5.0. (2001). Afterwards he made Sangre (2003), the TV film Jugar a matar (2003) and the horror Somne (2005). His latest film is Jugar a matar 2: el pulso (2005), the sequel to the original TV film from 2003.
Carlos Padrissa (Balsreny, Spain, April 13, 1959)
Together with Álex Ollé, Padrissa is a member of the street and theatre performing group La fura dels baus. Some of their most famous work includes the controversial XXX and Fausto Versión 3.0.. Fausto 5.0. was their only feature film, directed by Carlos Padrissa, Álex Ollé and Isidro Ortiz. Together with Álex Ollé he also worked on Bigas Luna’s film La teta y la luna (1994).