Rintaro, one of the most famous Japanese anime directors, began his career as a seventeen-year-old animator for the Toei Animation Studio. In the early 1960s he began working for Mushi Productions and under the pseudonym Rintaro (his real name is Shigeyuki Hayashi) animated many TV series. Starting in 1971, he began working as a freelancer and became known as one of the best directors of TV anime. In the1980s and 90s he directed more for the big screen. His most important films include
Ginga tetsudô Three-Nine (Galaxy Express 999, 1979),
Sayônara, ginga tetsudô Surî-Nain: Andromeda shûchakueki (Adieu, Galaxy Express 999, 1981),
Kamui no ken (The Blade of Kamui, 1985),
Teito monogatari (Doomed Megalopolis, 1991),
X (1996),
Metoroporisu (Metropolis, 2001) and
Yonayona pengin (Yona Yona Penguin, 2009).