Ken Russell
03.07.1927, Southampton, Hampshire, Great Britain - 27.11.2011, Lymington, Hampshire, Great Britain

Boudica Bites Back (2009) (kratkometražni)
Trapped Ashes (2006) (omnibus, dio The Girl With Golden Breasts)
Sarah Brightman: Diva (2006) (video spotovi The Phantom of the Opera i Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again)
Revenge of the Elephant Man (2004) (kratkometražni)
The Fall of the Louse of Usher: A Gothic Tale for the 21st Century (2002)
Elgar: Fantasy of a Composer on a Bicycle (2002) (TV dokumentarni)
Lion's Mouth (2000) (kratkometražni)
Dogboys (1998) (TV film)
Ken Russell 'In Search of the English Folk Song' (1997) (dokumentarni)
Mindbender (1996) (TV film)
Tales of Erotica (omnibus, dio The Insatiable Mrs. Kirsch) (1996)
Treasure Island (1995) (TV film)
Classic Widows (1995) (TV dokumentarni)
Alice in Russialand (1995) (TV film)
The Insatiable Mrs. Kirsch (1995) (kratkometražni)
Lady Chatterley (1993) (TV serija)
The Mystery of Dr Martinu (1993) (TV film)
The Secret Life of Arnold Bax (1992) (TV film)
Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Premiere Collection Encore (1992) (video)
Prisoner of Honor (1991) (TV film)
Whore (1991)
Road to Mandalay (1991) (TV dokumentarni)
The Strange Affliction of Anton Bruckner (1990) (TV film)
Women and Men: Stories of Seduction (1990) (TV film) (omnibus, dio Dusk Before Fireworks)
The Rainbow (1989)
A British Picture (1989) (TV film)
Méphistophélès (1989) (TV film)
The Lair of the White Worm (1988)
Salomin posljednji ples (Salome's Last Dance, 1988)
Ken Russell's ABC of British Music (1988) (TV dokumentarni)
Aria (1987) (omnibus, dio Nessun dorma)
Gothic (1986)
Faust (1985) (video)
Crimes of Passion (1984)
The South Bank Show (1984) (dokumentarna TV serija, 1 nastavak)
The Planets (1983) (TV dokumentarni)
Izmijenjena stanja (Altered States, 1980)
Clouds of Glory: William and Dorothy (1978) (TV film)
Clouds of Glory: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1978) (TV film)
Valentino (1977)
Lisztomania (1975)
Tommy (1975)
Mahler (1974)
Divlji Mesija (Savage Messiah, 1972)
The Boy Friend (1971)
Demoni (The Devils, 1971)
Ljubitelji glazbe (The Music Lovers, 1970)
Omnibus (1967-1970) (dokumentarna TV serija, 5 nastavaka)
Zaljubljene žene (Women in Love, 1969)
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)
Sunday Night (1966) (dokumentarna TV serija, 1 nastavak)
Isadora Duncan, the Biggest Dancer in the World (1966) (TV, dokumentarni)
Monitor (1959-1965) (dokumentarna TV serija, 17 nastavaka)
Six (1964) (TV serija, 1 nastavak)
Diary of a Nobody (1964) (TV kratkometražni)
French Dressing (1964)
Lonely Shore (1964) (TV film)
Preservation Man (1962) (TV film)
Mr. Chesher's Traction Engines (1962) (TV film)
Antonio Gaudi (1961) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
London Moods (1961) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Shelagh Delaney's Salford (1960) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
A House in Bayswater (1960) (dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Architecture of Entertainment (1960) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Cranko at Work (1960) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Guitar Craze (1959) (TV kratkometražni)
Amelia and the Angel (1959) (kratkometražni)
Poet's London (1959) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Portrait of a Goon (1959) (TV, dokumentarni kratkometražni)
Lourdes (1958) (kratkometražni)
Knights on Bikes (1956) (kratkometražni) (nezavršen)
Peepshow (1956) (kratkometražni)