Andrijana Stojković

04.08.1976, Vranje, Serbia, Yugoslavia


Redateljica i scenaristica, diplomirala je filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Akademiji dramskih umjetnosti u Beogradu 2003. godine. Stjecala je iskustvo radeći kao pomoćnica redatelja na filmovima Mi nismo anđeli 2 (2005.) i Sveti Georgije ubiva aždahu (2009.) Srđana Dragojevića i televizijskom filmu Tegla puna vazduha (2007.) Janka Baljaka. Režirala je nekoliko kratkometražnih i dokumentarnih filmova (Home (1996.), An Island (1997.), Hands (1997.), Belgrade Sound (2001.), Museum Open Only For Public Holidays (2002.), Just One Life (2005.) te tri televizijske serije. Kutija joj je prvi samostalni dugometražni igrani film.


Reviju filmova u Kinu Tuškanac 19, 20. i 21. studenoga 2012. osigurala je tvrtka Media – Acquisitions

Films by this director

The Box

(Serbia, 2011)

Directed by: Andrijana Stojković
PHOTOGRAPHY: Dušan Joksimović

The story takes place in Belgrade during the 1990’s just before sanctions to Serbia were enforced by the UN. Three young men work for a Dutch company that deals with relocation services for diplomats. Since foreign ambassadors and diplomats are leaving the country, Cvrle, Bili and Vladan have a chance to earn a pile of money and achieve their dreams. While packing away other people’s lives in boxes, they become aware that in the end they also too will end up alone, packed away in a box.

b/w, 89 min
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