André Téchiné

13.03.1943, Valence d\'Agen, France


Téchiné is a French director and screenwriter. Interested in film from his childhood, he moved to Paris at 19 and set off to find a job in the film industry. Unsuccessful at his attempts to enroll in film school, he started to write for Cahiers du cinéma in 1964 and continued until 1967. Afterwards he worked as an assistant director to Marc-Gilbert Guillaumin on his film Les idoles (1968) and Jacques Rivette on L'amour fou (1969). In 1969, he made his directing debut with the film Paulina Is Leaving (Paulina s'en va), but the film was first released only in 1975 when he also made French Provincial (Souvenirs d'en France, 1975). After the thriller Barocco (1976) he made his first more noticed film Sisters Brontë (Les soeurs Brontë, 1979) and afterwards Hotel America (Hôtel des Amériques, 1981), his first of his many collaborations with Catherine Deneuve (Le lieu du crime / Scene of the Crime, 1986; Ma saison préférée / My Favorite Season, 1993; Les voleurs / Thieves, 1996), Les temps qui changent / Changing Times, 2004). For Rendez-vous (1985) he won an award as Best Director in Cannes. He also made J'embrasse pas (I Don't Kiss, 1991), his most sucesful film Les roseaux sauvages (The Wild Reeds, 1994), Alice et Martin (1998), Loin (Far, 2001), Les égarés (Strayed, 2003), Les témoins (The Witnesses, 2007) and La fille du RER (The Girl on the Train, 2009).


Films by this director



Directed by: André Téchiné

Nina is a young girl who comes to Paris from the provinces and wants to become an actress. She is in love with Quentin, self-destructive and egocentric actor who soon dies in an accident. His former mentor, theatre director Scrutzler offers her a job in the production of Romeo and Juliette. She is to play Juliette, the same role that his recently deceased daughter was playing. In 1985, the film won an award for Best Director in Cannes.

color, 82 min

Muškarac kojeg su voljele

(L’homme qu’on aimait trop, France, 2014)

Directed by: André Téchiné
PHOTOGRAPHY: Julien Hirsch

1976. godine nakon neuspjelog braka Agnès Le Roux vraća se iz Afrike svojoj majci Renée, vlasnici kockarnice Le Palais de la Méditerranée u Nici. Mlada se žena zaljubljuje u majčinog čovjeka od povjerenja deset godina starijeg odvjetnika Mauricea Agneleta. Maurice održava i druge veze, a Agnès ga ludo voli. Dioničarka kockarnice Le Palais de la Méditerranée, Agnès želi prodati svoj udio i osamostaliti se. Renée prima prijetnje. U pozadini je Fratoni, vlasnik suparničke kockarnice koji se želi do...

color, 116 min
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